Finally finished the series with this last book.
Now I feel like I need some coffee and a serial killer to have an eye on during the nights.
Finally finished the series with this last book.
Now I feel like I need some coffee and a serial killer to have an eye on during the nights.
I recommend this book, even though this post is not a review. I just wanna say that I like it but quite not understand it on some parts, due to its old English. Give it a try, it's very short.
“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.”– Carl Sagan
Yesterday I finished rereading it and is still a 5 stars for me, I can say the same right at the moment that the other books of the series are five stars aswell for me, excepting for the last book, that I haven't read it yet.
"The baying of the wolves sounded nearer and nearer, as though they were closing round on us from every side."
Recently I've finished this book and I'm thinking about the scenes inside it everyday. What I loved about it is the way the characters are, the way they are behaving and the situation in which they are. Also, there mistery and a well written drama that kept me contemplating and it still does, actually! Definitely 5 stars for this one, I will read it again for sure.
• Thanks to my beautiful @HellGL for the recommendation🔥
" The Phantom of the Opera " As a recommendation from my girlfriend @HellGL ,I've started to read this book (in Romanian) with pretty much enthusiasm and I finished describing it as one of the best books I've ever read. What I really, really loved was how the villain was placed in this story. It was something different for me and I can easily call it masterpiece?.