I laughed out loud a lot so Mindy‘s book did not disappoint. Somewhat of a memoir, Mindy captured the fly on the wall effect while reading. I just love to be a fly on the wall. Great read
I laughed out loud a lot so Mindy‘s book did not disappoint. Somewhat of a memoir, Mindy captured the fly on the wall effect while reading. I just love to be a fly on the wall. Great read
What an amazing read. David captures the underdog reaching for the top narrative perfectly. So many lows and then the highs come flooding in. I found myself literally rooting for him in this memoir. An inspiring and invigorating read.
A beautiful tale. I enjoyed it. The story of Roy and Celestial kept me engrossed! I especially enjoyed the fact that the author highlighted each characters perspective. A very smooth story in which the words seems to dance from the page to my heart.
I couldn‘t finish it. Quite a boring story from Mr. Biden. I couldn‘t stay into it. It focused on his family and I saw where he was going but... I just couldn‘t stick with it
The title could be misleading as not much about Taraji Henson is “around the way”. Actually a pretty good girl with a interesting story of overcoming a tricky childhood to follow her passion as an actress. Interesting read
Wonderful memoir and journey through Jenifer Lewis‘ bought with mental illness, sexual addiction and rise to fame. I loved it! Well written!
This was an amazing read! Trevor Noah does a phenomenal job of telling the story of his life growing up in Africa. I absolutely loved it!
Well I got where she was trying to go with the book. It was funny but all over the place in some spots. I love to read memoirs but this one wasn‘t the best. Some funny stories but the book was hard to follow.
We read Strong is the New Pretty, to our 1 year old daughter from time to time. One night we woke up to her like this. She‘d gotten the book off the shelf in the middle of the night and fallen asleep with it! I was a proud mama #bedtimestories
This book will never get old! One of my all time favorites
I Bailed! I tried to read it because my husband loves these Vampire books but I Just can‘t! This just isn‘t my genre and I have to be ok with that. Lol
Well, read this again a few days ago and realized how much I missed reading this as a kid! Wow! A great literary work!
Wow! It was awesome! Such a real story, such courage in vulnerability, such comedy in a tragic situation. I loved the dark sarcasm. It was a good read and story of a young African American‘s girl story of starting from the gutter and making her way in this world. #NoExcuses!!
A must read. I own a business and need to read this every now and then. I find something new everytime!
I couldn‘t make it. Never could!
Surprisingly good read. Had a conversation flow and gave deep insights into the light of Gabrielle Union and a man vs self conflict. Some parts were under developed but overall a decent read
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it”
“I hope she‘ll be a fool, that‘s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”
Of course an old favorite! I have a few of these. Way before the Lord of the Rings became popular