Thoroughly enjoying this series. It's weird, very weird- but the main characters are tough teen girls with laugh out loud spunk (see above panel) being thrown into a crazy adventure through time. It's mind bending, it's funny, 100% recommend.
Thoroughly enjoying this series. It's weird, very weird- but the main characters are tough teen girls with laugh out loud spunk (see above panel) being thrown into a crazy adventure through time. It's mind bending, it's funny, 100% recommend.
Read this on audible, and was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Very cleverly done, where they reveal very little of each character's faults slowly and really draw you in to the mystery as well as the leading ladies. 100% recommend.
A good short read, this novel is inspired by true events that occurred back in America's early stages of exploration and claiming the west. The history is interesting as well as the main character's ability to survive despite all odds. (For revenge!) Warning: don't get attached to anyone.