Marie Lu is such a savage for killing such a big character so early in the game, forever mourning Enzo Valenciano...
I'm praying for this huge plot twist during the second or third book that's he's actually alive... #denial
Buuuuuut anyway, this book was quite the page turner for me and I loved it!
I'm abandoning this book and saving it for another time. It just seemed really childish and kind of cringey? I think it's because I've been reaching higher level books it's hard for me to take a step back a read lower level material? That's might make me sound like a pretentious asshole... you only live once as the younguns say 😂
This is a very strange yet chilling story. I don't fully know what to take from it. I would love to hear other takes on the strange ending when Nathanial went berserk after seeing Clara through the spy-glass from off to side? It was pretty intense seeing as his episode resulted in him throwing himself off a ledge.
Another favorite from my sister
Second book in the fifth wave series and all I have to say is phenomenal
I ended up abandoning this book. I thought this book would delve into more psychological aspects of the characters and of mental illness but the silly romance between the characters was a big turn off for me and changed the entire direction it was going. I read up to page 500 so maybe I bailed early and the series got better, but eh I expected so much and it ended up being very disappointing to me.
This book was amazing! I would recommend this to any scifi/fantasy addict. It contains a kickass female lead, and who doesn't love that? Romance may be a little iffy for some but I'm very critical when it comes to any sort of romance in novels and I loved this one.
I LOVE LOVE LOVED THIS ENTIRE TRILOGY! This is my all time favorite trilogy/series. It left me wallowing for days after I finished it. The whole romance LOVE triangle thing gave me anxiety and got me on my toes. The entire series kept me hooked. I can't begin to describe how much I loved this series and I hope i can get others to appreciate it just as much
A perfectly written, and powerful story. This book surprised me with how REAL it is. Nothing's sugar coated and a lot is explained with vivid detail. I do caution those who are easily triggered with topics like rape, and pedophilia which are intense topics vividly described throughout the novel. It is fantastically written, and the two main characters are fantastically portrayed, especially with a psychological perspective. Loved this book
I absolutely loved this book. The romance actually did sprout from somewhere, and even though it all took place over a short period of time (months), the feelings that were sprouted between the two characters seemed very realistic and relatable to a certain degree. The main characters humor and wittiness made me fall in love with her myself, and the tragedy of what ended up occurring in the end brought real tears to my eyes.