Christmas came early for me in the book department
Christmas came early for me in the book department
A simple classic! I remember reading this growing up! It‘s a F book you can use as a IR for quiet time with students. It takes you on the journey of a bear just trying to find his button. It has been inducted into the Picture Book Hall of Fame. This story meets UDL 3.3 guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation by understanding the pictures as you see them.
This book is a need for everyone that has a child or a classroom! It is such a sweet RF,RA or you could even be used for Storytelling it beautifully. This sweet book meets UDL 3.2 highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships as the relationship is the main idea in this heart warming book. It also meets EL 3 encourage self-talk by allowing children to talk about their parents!
How I Became a Pirate would make a good RA or even a good LC. Its acute book about how Jeremy Jacob became a pirate and I think it‘d be a good book for children‘s imagination! This book meets UDL 2.1 clarify vocabulary and symbols, of you took out the words you can still read the pictures!
This short and simple RF is a quick RA to call the kids down. It is a notable children‘s book award winner. It takes you through the day of a boy and his dog, it‘s that simple. It meets UDL 1.1 offers ways of customizing the display of information by having a variety of pictures. It also meets UL 1 teach questioning for clarification by communicating how students take care of their dogs.
Frindle is a RF that would make a really good IR. It teaches kids to fight for what they believe and you could be part of history. It won a Phoenix award which is similar to our SSA. This book meets UDL 6.1 guide appropriate goal setting as you could have your students set goals that they want to complete. And EL 1 teach questioning for clarification as this book has a solid story you want to make sure students get everything out of it.
This B would make for a wonderful GR as you can form up some very strong discussion questions about Anne Frank, her family, and the war. I would definitely not suggest this as a GR for the younger ages. It takes you through the war, we‘re her family came from and where they went.
An E.B. White Read Aloud winner, F book would make such a wonderful RA story. It takes you through the life crayons that feel used, abused, and unused! It is such a cute concept kids can really connect to. This adorable book meets UDL 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation as you could have the students make responses with pictures, stories, or talking about it.
Just thought I‘d share: I was playing on Snapchat and they have a filter for Wonder! I got so excited for it! #choosekind
A F Classic, Caldecott winner from when I was in elementary school! I loved redrawing this story about a little boy always looking for adventure and finding it when he least expects it but finds himself missing home. This book of adventure meets UDL 2.5 illustrate through multimedia because most of this book is such beautiful pictures.
This book was one of my favorites growing up as I tend to be shy and concerned what others think. This F can be a short IR or RA. It is a story about being true to yourself no matter what others think, as long as you‘re happy, even if it means you eat Lima beans and other kids don‘t! This story meets UDL 6.1 guide appropriate goal setting as you could set goals for kids through the year both personal and school related.
This cute and to the point RF, RA is a Caldecott winner and so obvious why it is! It teaches kids that no matter how many times your parents will tell you no and punish you, they will always love you and tell you so. It provides so few words with such a message and pictures children can get pulled in to. This book meets UDL 1.2 offer alternatives for auditory information by providing such detailed pictures.
We The Kids is a nice RA , NF book that you can cross teach as social studies as well as it is The Preamble to The Constitution. It‘s beautiful and detailed pictures give a visual way for young children to try and comprehend the large words that can be used in the Preamble. One UDL that can be used is 3.1- activate or supply background knowledge such as the history on the United States.
One of my all time favorites Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein is a classic P and was named New York Times Outstanding Book Award for more than obvious reasons. Children connect to his witty, short poems so quickly and find such joy in them in a quick RA session, I know I still do.
This wonderful piece of Poetry meets UDL 1.2 offer alternatives for auditory information as it offers pictures for most poems.
This short TL and Caldecott honor is a beautifully illustrated classic and a good reminder to not offer more than you have. This book would be a wonderful RA story for the younger kids. It meets UDL 2.1- clarify vocabulary and symbols as well as EL 4- link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge. This book does offer some larger or unknown words but can also connect to their knowledge of fairytales they grow up on.
The Nest by Kenneth Oppel, I would say is a very strange but good SF book. It takes you through the life a young boy who has a very sick little brother and wasps come in to help, very strange concept. I think this book would be an incredible GR or PR so that the out of the box concepts can be discussed and understood. This book meets UDL 8.3- foster collaboration and community as well as EL 1- teach questioning for clarification.
This SF, SSYR award winner book would be a awesome PR book. It allows students to open up their minds to different worlds around us and to scenarios that we know to not be true in our world. It keeps you in page after page. This quick read meets EL 1, teach questioning for clarification because certain aspects would make them question the story as it goes along. It also meets UDL 3.3, guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation.
This MF, Newbery winner, GR is one of the most heart wrenching books I‘ve ever read. I cried 3 times reading this sweet book about Ivan and his friends at the Big Top Mall. Ivan is such a large animal but has so much love in his heart for Stella, Bob, and the rest at the Mall.
Out of my mind is a wonderful RF, LC, NYTBS. It is about 11 year old Melody who struggles with cerebral palsy and just wants to be a ‘normal‘ girl. It is such a great story about being true to yourself as well as striving for whatever you want no matter the struggles. It meets EL 4, linking lesson topic to students prior knowledge and UDL 2.1, clarify vocabulary and symbols as this story does have a lot of complicated words.
Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai. Let me start with wow! This HF, National book award winner really pulls you in and makes you feel like part of their family. It brings you in the life on 10 year-old Hà who has had to leave everything she loved behind to flee the Vietnam war with her family. Reading this book makes you appreciate what we have and enjoy the little things.
This beautifully illustrated B picture book by Jen Bryant and Illustrated by Melissa Stewart is an easy read and appealing to the eyes. Melissa Stewart is a Caldecott winner for this book and the book won he Robert F. Sibert Award, which an award for the most distinguished informational book published in English. This book would be an excellent RA to students in the classroom.
This heart-warming RF, NYTBS novel from R.J. Palacio should be an addition to every classroom library and everyone even adults should read this! It shows just how important it is to not judge a book by its cover and to always say nice words, even when you think no one is listening. This novel meets UDL guideline 3.3, which guides information processing and visualization, every aspect of this story builds a picture of what is happening.