Current read: The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. Anyone read it? 😊
Current read: The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. Anyone read it? 😊
Long time no see!
What did you think about #Outlander Season 3? It was a bit rushed in the end don‘t you think? Anyhow, I can‘t wait to dive in #Drumsofautumn and see what happens next!
Another amazing novel by Margaret Atwood. Can't wait for the tv show!
Voyager is finally in my hands! Right on time, before the third season of the tv show! ❤️
This is the first and (unfortunately) unfinished Kafka's novel about Karl Rossman, who is banshed from his family home and tries to find his way in the Land of the opportunity. But this is Kafka, so everything goes wrong for Karl and his adventures endured many misfortunes. Great read for Kafka's lovers, in which you can easily see how the ideas and atmosphere, he is known for, were born and shaped into his later works.
This is the book for all the people who simply give too many f*cks. Once you get yourself free from wasting your energy, time and money on things you really don't care about but you think you should care, life becomes easier and super pleasant. It's not easy, and you won't be expert after you read this book, but #SarahKnight does her best to remind you it is possible!
Forget about your sock drawer, it's time to sort out your f*ck drawer!
My Name Is Lucy Barton is one of those books that is forever on my TBR but I decided to move it up a little bit. Did you guys read it? I've heard it's really good so I'm super curious. 📖
Have a lovely Friday! 💕
Took me whole morning to decide what to read next, and finally chose The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson.
I read Hitman Andes and the Meaning of It All and watched the movie based on the book The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (I just love crazy long titles of his books) and I liked both, so I'm sure I am going to like this one as well. 😊
Did you guys read some of Jonasson's books?