If you want to know if this book has been good so far, here's a pic of a few lines from page 104. You be the judge.
If you want to know if this book has been good so far, here's a pic of a few lines from page 104. You be the judge.
My favorite used book store is closing. (They even have a bookstore cat named Catsby.) Luckily, I was able to snag all of these for a $1 each in their closing sale.
I really enjoyed this one. I'd been waiting to read their story for a while! And yes, this is my new swoon-worthy Nightwing metal bookmark I bought at the last con.
My least favorite of the MacRieve's. I can't even say it was because he was damaged because Conrad was one of my fave Wroth brothers and he was a basket case. Uilleam just wasn't very charming, even at his best. Chloe is a definitely one of my fave heroines, though.
Gods I love Rogan. 🖤
This seems fun! 1) Chocolate! 😍 2) Colored (I hate decked edges. They make page turning annoying.😤) 3) Only series books! I love really getting involved with a world and the characters. 4) Wonderland (So long as I have no run-ins with the queen. 😖) 5) Librarian! Seems like publishing would be too hectic.
This man can write and speak in a manner where I actually understand what an astrophysicist is fucking talking about. And for that, I salute you!
Beautiful edition of an 1818 satire. Will be perfect to read with a nice cuppa and my Haunted Manor candle burning. The author used to work for the East Indian Trading Company. After watching Tom Hardy's Taboo, I have a different view point of that particular organization.
Whoops! Vlad came across my vampire hunting kit! He doesn't look too happy!
Starting this one. Excited to check-in with these characters again. 😊
One death so far. And it's one that I'm fine with. 😈
Gotta make this short story last until I get home from NY and have Feversong to read!
So this one is supposed to be the highest rated in the series. Let's do this.
So far this book is hotter. Dageus MacKeltar is definitely the most 9-like of the Highlanders where Moning novels are concerned. No wonder he became one at the end of Burned.
Second Edition Book Shop Inc down in Davie, FL
I've been seriously ignoring this book and spending all my time with SanSan fan fiction! Need to get back into it! (Oh, and I read another book halfway through so that didn't help my progression either!)
Not gonna lie, when I first saw the cover on Goodreads I thought it was lame. After seeing that it's actually holographic I am in love! I also like how it's white and will really pop against all her other books on my shelf.
I couldn't resist starting this one. Enjoyable so far. Effectively makes me find human eyeballs weird.
"Just be quiet, behave, and let me order."
"I am being have."
:snort laugh:
Finally got to a MacKeltar book. The whole reason I started the Highlander series was because them. First one shows up in book 4.
So this is the book nearly everyone says to start the series from. Considering how I enjoyed the two they said to skip, I've got some pretty high hopes.
A reviewer said it's Marvel meets Sex and the City. Should be interesting.
When you're eating cereal and it looks like an open book!
It's a step in the right direction after the frustration of Burned. (Translation: More Jada/Dani + Ryodan)
Proof that you can find some great, fun reads at Dollar Tree. This was a book I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise and one I thoroughly enjoyed. Lots of geeky references and the romance wasn't too over the top. I recommend. (It's the second in the series but can be read as a stand alone.)
Time to learn the truth of Chongjin, North Korea.
"No one had an accent like he did. Words rolled off his tongue like poetry."
"Head like a fucking orange." -Ricky Gervais.
Happy Pi day! 💟 3rd and 14th book from the Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon!
The one where Eric Northman tugged at the heart strings.
"... two dragons will hold the line, or go down in flames."