Current read ✌🏻
My current read
Not a fan of romance books…would prefer watching a movie on this story than reading it. Yet, got into this because of that cute pretty cover 🥹
Feb Reads:
Before the coffee gets cold
Tales from the cafe
Rock paper scissors
Heart on the edge
Absolutely in love with my choices in the month of February. Happy Reading to all!!
In this New Year I have taken a resolution of reading at least 4 books every month. And as we usually fail to stick to our resolutions, I was skeptical to share it at first. But after maintaining the same for 2 months I am happy to share that I have indeed read 4 books in January and 4 so far in February. This method also motivates one to get out of a reading slump. My Jan reads were: Ugly Love, The Silent Patient and these two. Happy Reading!!
Finished this in 3 days. Easy read with a happy ending. Feel good kinda book.
Day 3: This is slowly becoming obsessive for me!!
“Remember that just because the stars fell that doesn‘t mean there were not worth wishing on” 🖤🖤
The cover of this book grabbed my attention a long back. Finally got a chance to get my hands on this.
Day 1: The story started with a twist.