Still at it. 😉 well.. Trying anyways. (Excuse the blurry picture, maka was wiggling a lot)
Still at it. 😉 well.. Trying anyways. (Excuse the blurry picture, maka was wiggling a lot)
Sleffel's book mail episode #2. Some adventure with a side of cyberpunk is never a bad thing. Stay tuned for my reviews! 😉
Has anyone seen under the dust cover?! The art work is absolutely gorgeous!!! 😁😆
It wasn't for me. It was well written and quirky. There are times when Bernadette's view on the world made me want to hug her and weep with her as well. I just struggled reading this book.. I hope I can enjoy it more at a later date. 😔
Feeling stuck on this book. It's not that it's not good, I'm just a huge fantasy, sci-fi, ect. fan which makes venturing into other genres complicated. I took a break from it, and now I'm ready to give it another shot! 😎😼
I devoured this book, completing 450ish pages in one sitting. Being a sequel, it annihilated its partner. The complexity continues as Feyre's story becomes deeper and darker. The reader is always left guessing whats around the corner, and never once was I disappointed. Book 3 is too far away! 👍👍
True depth wrapped in a YA storyline. ❤️ This book is gorgeous and complex. Imagine a "beauty & the beast" where Belle is bad AF, and the beast is a faerie. If I didn't want to start on the sequel, if read it again! ??
It was interesting, but a little slow. The middle 100 pages of the book really dragged on, making it difficult to finish. But in the last 8 chapters you really begin to connect with the protagonist and get a taste of the under lying mythology. I believe if the pace keeps up; I'm on board for book 2.
I am bias. I have always loved Black's writing, from books to short stories. This book is an interesting take on vampirism with a legit female character. It is a stand alone book, so I understand if the cliff hanger ending makes you die a little inside 😭😲 worth it though.
Finally getting through more than a page or 2, but this book has been blowing up my Facebook feed. I will definitely report in once I've finished it! 👍
Is it bad if all I want to do this morning is drink obscene amounts of coffee and re-read this book. The 80s reference and excitement= perfect nerd read. One of my new favorites 😍🤓
I was scared to start this book, Wrath and the Dawn was fabulous how could the second compare? I was completely wrong. The character development progressed in a way that will cause you to fall in love with Shazi & Khalid all over again. The end of this duology was bitter sweet, as I just wanted more