It‘s always exciting to read a book that a lot of people have really fallen in love with.
My own opinion of the book is that it‘s okay. Wether this is because of the high expectations or just because it‘s not really a genre for me is hard to say. All in all I wanted to know how it ended but I didn‘t love the book. It is however nice to read something different from what I normally read ☺️
I just love this book!
It‘s been a while since a book has made me feel this entertained but I just really enjoyed reading it. It was fun and at the same time it made sure that I kept thinking I knew who did it just moments before realizing I was wrong once again 😅
I really enjoyed this one! It‘s been a while since I last read a thriller so it might have been a good idea to take a break from reading this genre 😅
The only negative thing about the book is the last few chapters… I understood the idea but it wasn‘t as well written as the rest of the book 😊
5/6 📚
I read Pride and Prejudice several years ago and absolutely loved it. I have therefore been wanting to read another book by Austen for some time.
I did enjoy reading S&S but I have to admit that I didn‘t love it just as much as P&P. Also everything happened very fast at the end which was kind of a shame.
3/6 📚
Back in June I decided to read the Harry Potter series and this week I finished the last book. This is my first time reading the series and I enjoyed it way more than I imagined.
The Deathly Hallows really surprised me and this must be my favorite one. I especially loved how details from the previous books were used in this one.
Rowling has really created a truly magical world and I‘m so glad that I decided to read these books!
Since the movie The Half-Blood Prince has never been one of my favorites, it surprised me how much I enjoyed reading the book. I especially loved how we learned about Voldemort‘s life and background.
Even though I‘m ready to start reading the final book, it‘s also a weird feeling to know that the story is about to come to an end.
After more than a year on my TBR I finally finished this book about the history of the human species.
I absolute loved the first chapters but unfortunately it wasn‘t as fascinating all the way through. It‘s clear that it‘s been written to entertain and you have to keep in mind that this is how he views the world.
I did like his thoughts on the happiness of the human kind today, though.
This week I finished this one which is the first audiobook I‘ve ever listened to.
Unfortunately it‘s not the best thriller I‘ve read and I wasn‘t really a fan of the many changes in perspective. Sadly it also didn‘t really surprise me.
It‘s important to mention that I don‘t really love listening to audiobooks so my opinion might be influenced by that 😅 Reading a physical book is definitely something I enjoy more!
After ten days I finished the longest book I‘ve ever read. And it was great! I think this might be the best HP book so far.
Every time I‘ve watched the movie I‘ve always had the feeling that they had to leave out a lot of the plot from the book so I was excited to finally get to read it. Although I love the movie, I have to admit that the book was so much better!
After I finished Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire I actually reached my reading goal for this year 🥳
12 books isn‘t a lot but I‘m actually really proud. Since I started studying four years ago I haven‘t had the energy to read books for fun. This year I wanted to change that and I‘m now prioritizing reading in my spare time 📖
And there‘s still four months left of this year so I might get to finish a few more!
This is such a great book and even though I know exactly how it ends I still found it hard to stop reading whenever I had to do something else.
Like in the other books I loved the extra details that weren‘t in the movie. However I do have to admit that I found it odd how the SPEW project just slowly lost importance throughout the story.
A great book which I finished in a few days while being on vacation.
Compared to the two other HP books this one definitely had more details that weren‘t included in the movies. I especially loved reading about Lupin and his childhood memories with James.
5/6 📚
I really enjoyed reading this one, too. It‘s easily read and I especially like the descriptions of the characters, their relationships and their everyday life.
I started reading The Prisoner Of Azkaban right after finishing this one and I really hope this book contains more details that aren‘t in the movies.
I‘ve watched the movie multiple times but I haven‘t read the books until now.
I really enjoyed reading the first book and it was nice with the extra details.
5/6 📚
It‘s a great story told through the eyes of 5 year old Jack. While reading I experienced both feelings of hope and frustration. I found it interesting to witness the boys thoughts even though I imagine some people might not like books written like this one.
After reading it I thought a lot about the mother since we don‘t get access to her thoughts. I would love to read the story from the mothers perspective, too.
Nordkraft er en bog, som jeg længe har haft liggende, men dog aldrig fået læst.
Da jeg så endelig kom i gang, fangede den mig desværre ikke og den endte med at tage lang tid at komme igennem. Nogle dele af bogen oplevede jeg som meget langtrukne og jeg var ikke så vild med at bogen var opdelt i tre dele. Bogen sætter dog mange tanker i gang.