Over the pandemic my friend and I started a podcast where we watch Star Trek: The Original Series so other people don't have to, and this book is speaking to my soul right now.
Over the pandemic my friend and I started a podcast where we watch Star Trek: The Original Series so other people don't have to, and this book is speaking to my soul right now.
I've been in my hammock reading all weekend. I finished Cress yesterday and moved on to Winter today. God this series is so good.
I've been trying to get back into reading lately and this really helped with that. If you are in the niche crowd of cyberpunk fantasy YA novel lovers, this series is for you! I would compare it to Shade's Children which is a huge compliment coming from me!
I love misprints in books. It makes me feel like I found a little treasure not everyone else gets and reminds me that nothing is perfect and that makes it maybe a little bit perfect.
Sheltering in place has given me a lot more reading time lately and my puppers seems to also appreciate it. New book, new day, new mood.
I didn't need anything to challenge me right now, I just needed to escape into a world where witches make wine and get cursed and then just sprinkle a little romance on top. I would and have recommended this to the francophiles in my life, and I therefore also recommend it to you if you think that all sounds good.
Cuddling with your senior kitty while reading a book from your childhood makes you quite aware of the passing of time, and helps you appreciate these moments when you have them.
Very clever book, good writing, excellent story, fun characters. I just wish the third one would get an official release date so I can start on book two without that dreadful years of waiting thing once I finish!