So that was ridiculously good. Have a book hangover now. Loved the slow burn and the banter. Love books that have a hate-to-love trope! Highly recommend his book!
So that was ridiculously good. Have a book hangover now. Loved the slow burn and the banter. Love books that have a hate-to-love trope! Highly recommend his book!
This is now on my keeper shelf. I cannot describe how awesome this book is. I've reread it three times already! Definitely give this book a go. Such an interesting premise - high school bully redeems himself and becomes a love interest. #charlottestein #neversweeter
Really great book. It's not quite up to the Charlotte Stein standard but I'd still give it 4/5. #charlottestein #neverloved
Ummmm what do I do if I've read a book but it's not listed by Litsy? I read "Hold", the book before "Release". Can anyone help me? #canyouhelpme #howdoiuploadabook #help #pleasehelpme #clairekent #hold
I really enjoyed this book. It was far too short for me! I was so angry with the heroine's mother, she was such a bitch! She's lucky she had such an intelligent and gutsy daughter, she shouldn't throw her daughter away like that. I particularly enjoyed her comeuppance. I enjoyed the premise of a submissive hero, it's rare but I really enjoy them. Major alpha's really start to wear thin!
#nicoladavidson #devilssubmission #submissive #submissivehero
Currently reading this. So many people have said they absolutely love it. So far ....... it's ok. Samantha is annoying me a bit, yes the dude hurt you but grow a spine! #lordcarewsbride #marybalogh #historicalromance #romance