Amazing art book of fantastic pulp artist!
Amazing art book of fantastic pulp artist!
Really enjoyed this urban fantasy set to 1980s England
This book uses photos of 200 years of covers on Jane Austen‘s novels to show how books have changed over time at least in packaging & marketing.
Learned a few bits of trivia on Austen I‘d not previously known. Mostly left this knowing it‘d be a great reference to teach the history of publishing & books
Fascinating book with a look at pagan/esoteric/witchy life that could open many eyes
So soothing a voice as Ms Andrews to listen to her audiobook. Nice respite from everyday chaos
Great reminders on how to continue creating when it gets tough
Rereading for 1st time since writing it 15 years ago.
Fascinating how many subplots and tertiary characters I‘ve forgotten. Great for current research
Equal parts sobering, hilarious, and therapeutic! Definitely a book I‘d recommend for anyone with depression to give to someone to help them get a better perspective on what life with a mental illness can be like.
Urban sci-fantasy linked to Nikola Tesla‘s lost journals? Hell yes!
Powerful story tangentially about abuse, masculinity, & uses of power amid a post apocalyptic fantasy landscape. Not for children but what could be a great learning read for teens and adults
While a bit sluggish toward the latter third on the book, this was an amazing and strong education on power both economic & political...and the utter lack of ethical or moral power among those in its grip
Rereading the entire series in collections from beginning to end. While a few stumbles in places, THIS is the book to give to those who want a more adult & in-depth take on fantasy & metafictions after HarryPotter instead on The Magicians.
Ok but more a guide to places with minor haunted stories
Amazing & wild ride of contemporary magic among Yale‘s Secret societies! Highly recommended!
Amazing book that‘s an astounding primer & background that leads up to many current geopolitical crises today. Realizing how closely tied oil/gas power brokers link to governments is something more folks ought to experience
As it's been over a year since I started, I discovered its heavily detailed approach makes for slow-going, even though the writing is solid and engaging.
This fell to the Did Not Finish pile because it's draining my reading time from other books. I did get through the Rising part and grokked the parallels with modern autocratic and fascist movements of the 21st century. I consider it a win despite not making it all the way through the book.
Finally copied over the digital copy of the second edition, illustrated by the author's wife. Can't wait to see what color cover would materialize when/if the book has a printed edition.
This cover image is from the 1st edition and both the cover and the text are amazing pieces of work. As the 2nd edition is available only as an ebook at present, it's fascinating to compare to the older print version. If you have any interest in early genre and pulp authors or characters, you owe it to yourself to invest in this book.
Amazing read I can't recommend enough to folks who enjoy books about books, fantasy tied as much to the words as to the stories, and feisty heroes who don't fit the standard molds!
Rereading many of these stories I haven't seen in decades but remembered a few of them fondly. A tad dated but still more progressive and feminist than some comics are even today.
One of the founders of OPEC describing oil/petroleum as “the Devil's Excrement“ is among the anecdotes from this book that'll stick in my head for an awfully long time.