15/10 it was so good!!
Holy cow, this book was absolutely amazing!!! Just like the first book, it was action packed, funny and extremely enjoyable! I am sooooooooo looking forward to the next book!
This book is sooo well written. One of my favourite quotes from it is “Never throw the first punch. If you have to throw the second, try to make sure they don‘t get up for a third.” It is just such a powerful quote, and the rest of the book is so exiting! It hooks you so quickly. I really recommend it.
This book was amazing! It has so much action and excitement! If you like super villains and cool powers, than you should read this book.
This is a great book! I really like it, because it has so much action, people have really cool powers, and it has some humour. Books with super heroes and super villains are my favourite purely because I like to see what different author‘s think of heroes and villains and the ability‘s that they give each character and I am excited to see what other villains the Reckoners encounter!
I loved this book, for two reasons. One it is about a chicken, and two he has power‘s! He can create and shoot lightning from his wings! It is hooks you right from the start and it is a nice quick read. This book is a must read.
This is one of my favourite books ever! It is a funny,quick and easy read. for those who like comics, It is really entertaining series and I would highly recommend it!
This book got me hooked and I am only on page 21! It is a little sad though. Ms bixby has ductal adenocarcinoma, which is a type of cancer that attacks the pancreas, but she told her students that she is going to “beat this thing”, and I am going to keep reading to find out if she does or not.
I started to read this book and I got four pages in and I did not like it. It made no sense. The one guy wanted to build a cannon and his brother was doing something else, and it was just so confusing. I don‘t like it.
I have just started reading this book, but so far it is awesome! I love that they test for coodies, that is just amazing. I will keep reading and I will make another blurb if it is worthy
This is a cute little book. There little chicken‘s are on a (mis)adventure to try to help a squirrel identify a big scary thing in the yard. If you like fun quick reads, then you should read this one.
So there Death Star just blow up Alderaan and Ciena thinks that her friend Jude also got blown up but Ciena found a file that Jude made saying that she thinks the rebel fleet can blow up the Death Star so I think she escaped and did not die. Hopefully I will soon find out
One of the thing that I liked when I read this book was the setting. It is set in the year 2968. Because it is in the future lots of things are levitating and the way the author describes the futuristic tech is amazing.if you like D.C super heroes, you should read this book
Right now the main characters are racing for extra credit for school, and Thane and Ciena tied with each other and I predict that they will both get the extra credit
This book is a chicken book,but I would highly recommend it. It is about a girl who moves to her dead great uncle‘s farm and finds out that chickens with super powers live in the henhouse! And the book is the girls letters to her dead great uncle, and to a chicken selling company to see if they sell magic chicken, it is crazy cool so I would recommend you read it.
This book is interesting. The way it was written is very old, which I think is cool. It is also really exciting. There are trolls and dwarfs and hobbit‘s it is crazy. My teacher thinks that it is super bad, but it really is amazing
This book is crazy. A ship tried to avoid a mystery object in hyper space but the ship got destroyed in the process, and now chunks of that ship are zooming at hyper speed toward the Hetzal system, AND there are people still inside of these chunk so of the ship and the Jedi have to try to get everyone off of the systems planets and get the people out of the speedingship. I don‘t know how they will do it, but I am exited to see how.
This book is really exiting. I am only on page 13,and I am on the edge of my seat. There is some really good detail in this book, that help me visualize what is happening to Ben, and what he is doing.