Enjoying this so far. Saw the movie adaptation before but I already forgot who's the culprit so this still feel fresh (but familiar) to me.
Enjoying this so far. Saw the movie adaptation before but I already forgot who's the culprit so this still feel fresh (but familiar) to me.
I've finished yet another version of this book (the top one, Macmillan Collector's Library) and I'm happy to find that it's still one of my favourite books. I love the size of this version - so easy to read!
I'm slowly getting back to reading this year and reading works from my favourite authors is on my to-do list.
Read it for the second time and enjoyed it more this time around. It kept me up for several nights because I was so engrossed with it (last read in 2017).
#IReadWhatIWant #SlowlyGettingOutofReadingSlump