Written as a textbook for living into and out of innate desires instilled by God. Well done.
Like Riordan's prior Greek and roman novels, this captivated me and I finished in a day and a half (I teach 7th grade and have three kids of my own, otherwise one sitting would have finished the book), however, my one qualm is the bringing back of other heroes in the end; felt a little thrown in. Will still read again with my kids when we get through the first two sets reading out loud
Written as a textbook for living into and out of innate desires instilled by God. Well done.
Housekeeping felt like the 'Yellow Wallpaper' of Robinson's stories and while it took a shift of mind to read it after Gilead, Home, and Lila, I felt like it was a book which shows that Robinson's skill as a writer goes beyond the characters in the other novels and that she truly understands the human condition from multiple perspectives.
Go lead was the first of Robinson's books that I read. I enjoyed the pace and the honesty of the characters and went on to love Home and Lila even more because of this book!
Reading through slowly and loving Chesterton's wit. A realist and a satirical poet in prose form. Lovely to read.
Read via audiobook while commuting back and forth to work. Really neat, multi-perspective holocaust era novel - perspectives not normally covered in other holocaust literature.
Love King's voice, wisdom and constant use of telepathy.