My favorite page in the book so far. 📚🌹✨
My favorite page in the book so far. 📚🌹✨
I read Emma several years ago and it's the only Austen novel I've disliked. Emma is a frustrating heroine and the novel seemed to move at a slow pace. HOWEVER, upon rereading it, I'm completely in love with the book. The plot is a clever puzzle (that's much more fun on the second read) and I love the genius of Emma's character arc. Now I can't wait to read it a third time in the future! Consider me a converted Emma fan!
This week marks the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen's death. People who've only seen the films are missing out on Austen's incomparable wit, pointed satire, feminist leanings, radical opinions, and ability to portray human nature in a way that still resonates centuries later. Her critiques of society are subtle, but sharp. I once heard her novels described as "emotional king fu." I completely agree. Here's to another 200 years! #janeausten
One of my friends in the U.K. was kind enough to send me a copy of this Rainbow Rowell novella. It's perfect for Star Wars fans and fans of Rowell in general! My only complaint is that the story is too short! #starwars #rainbowrowell
I'm so happy I found this book at a used book shop! Emma Thompson's Oscar winning screenplay is excellent, but her detailed diaries about the making of the film are the real gem. Thompson's wit had me laughing throughout and I loved the behind-the-scenes glimpse at the daily filmmaking grind. There are some very funny quotes from the cast and crew, also! #janeausten #senseandsensibility
Happy birthday to the amazing, yet often forgotten, Fanny Burney! A line at the end of this novel inspired Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I highly recommend reading her books if you're an Austen fan! They were all the rage in the late 18th century. #janeausten #fannyburney
An absolutely perfect end to an absolutely lovely series. These books are cozy, like sipping a cup of Lara Jean's favorite Night Night tea. Yet, they're not simply escapism. They manage to tackle the deeper emotions of love and sisterhood. By now, the characters feel like family. I'm happy the final installment did them justice and wrapped up their stories so wonderfully!