A series of previously published short stories, this collection has wit and reveals the truly ugly of humanity. I laughed and felt dirty and took a deeper look into my own ugly. Definitely a good read.
A series of previously published short stories, this collection has wit and reveals the truly ugly of humanity. I laughed and felt dirty and took a deeper look into my own ugly. Definitely a good read.
I am enjoying my new read. I am about a third of the way in and my only complaint is keeping up with names. There are quite a few characters, and the author switches between first and last names. I feel like I need to write it all down.
If your child loves the show, they will love these books. They hold my daughters attention and its a quick read.
I have finished! No fault but my own this read took me a month and a half. I am a slow reader, but thats just ridiculous.
I am not very far into this read and have so many opinions. By far my favorite narrator is Inej. Her character is beautifully written.
#SoC #DregsSeries #CrookedKingdom #Inej #freereads
My four year old picked this out today at the library. Her first library loan and its a fantasy chapter book :) I am not surprised by the topic considering my daughter loves the movies Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline. This is a breeze in terms of fright for my brave little. Tonight, Our first night, I had to stop reading and tell her to sleep. She is enthralled.
Just finished Six of Crows a few days ago, and was stoked to find this available! I waited months for SoC so it was a nice suprise to get to start on this right away!
#SoC #CK #DregsSeries #Freereads #ebook #kindle #cuyahogacountylibrary
I have to choose from 4 free books. What would you recommend?
#Recommendations #samsungbookdeals #kindlebooks
♡ 25 years
♡ 2 children under 5
♡ pharmacy technician
♡ I have extremely thick hair
♡ favorite animals are pigs 🐷
♡ Favorite color is red
♡ nail biter 😕
♡ astrological sign is taurus 🐂
♡ I am a happy loner
♡ Cat Person
♡ have been using computers since I was 2 years old
♡ heinz-57 genes
♡ very nerdy
♡ read to escape my surroundings
♡ self-conscious
♡ hum constantly
♡ old soul
♡ xbox gamer
♡ played the violin
♡ rode dirtbikes
The problem with library loans, time constraints. I work full time and have two small children, so sometimes I just do not have a minute to read. Third times the charm on this gem!
#freereads #cuyahogacountylibrary #ebooks #amazon #kindlebooks
I will recommend, this being the third book in an exciting trilogy, but I am finding that it may be better to stop while your ahead. First in this series is A Court of Thorns and Roses which I adored, Second was A Court of Mist and Fury which made so much sense and gave me goose bumps. A Court of Wings and Ruin was good, yet didnt have the same feeling as the first two. The twists were more predictable and harder to keep going with. Overall 3/5.
"Audiobook" I suggest if you want to read this book, or interested in this book, DO NOT listen to the audio. The amount of screaming and grunts are distracting and annoying. Some of the stories she tells are good, then others have very little to do with anything. Some stories flow decently, others are trying to make a point I am still trying to figure out. You can read a little, then go back in a couple of months and not miss a thing.
This was a #preorder I am just now getting to. Excited to read what Feyre has hiding up her sleeve other than #minispoiler the tattoo she shares with Rhysand.
I read this quote from "Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between)" by Lauren Graham and Loled-
"It took me half a day in the costume to realize there was no need for me to smile while taking photos with the attendees—they couldn‘t see my face through the giant head"
Start reading this book for free: http://a.co/79IcY8M
Lauren Grahams voice is all I can imagine while reading this book. Her thoughts to paper for my eyes to indulge.