"This isn't a story about war. It's about ruin."
I didn't hate this book, but I didn't really like it either. Maybe I'm a lightweight, but the characters in this book are so vile and evil it's hard to read at times. The ending fell a bit flat for me, and to be honest I'm not sure how I feel about this book. Having now finished reading all of Flynn's books, Gone Girl is without question the best for me. 2.5/5.0 ⭐️
After a busy day, it's time to unwind by finishing this book with my favorite girl. ☺️
Well Amma is...interesting.
A uniquely written book that features odd, quirky, and enjoyable characters. It did take me a little while to get into the story, and I found the ending to be a bit slow, but overall I really enjoyed this book. Also, Baba Yaga is the best!
Perhaps more good is done in the name of muddling through uncertainty than is done hacking away with the righteous sword of self-confidence.
Monday's aren't so bad when you have coffee and a good book. ☕️❤️ Really enjoying this read! Hope everyone had a great week!
A new book haul, courtesy of Target and library book sale! Gonna pick up Egg & Spoon first, after coming off of Gillian Flynn's: Dark Places, I'm desperate for a more light hearted read. 😬
Managed to beat the snow coming home from work. Now finishing up The Rising by Robert Ovies. 😊
Welcoming this chilly October day by starting Good As Gone, by Amy Gentry. Loving it so far! #FallReads #HappyOctober
Just gotta say it...I'm not digging the authors decision to have no quotation marks in the book. It's super confusing, and I find myself having to go back and re-read sentences/paragraphs to make sense of what is dialogue or the protagonists narration.
Definitely not an easy book to read, but beautiful none the less.
Do you ever read a sentence that is just so good you have to set the book down for a few seconds? 😭 I'm starting to lose count of how many times I've had to do this! #AllTheChills
#RoadTripReads book number one: All the Light We Cannot See. I'm so excited to read this! Have heard nothing but good things about this novel.
Picked this book up at a local bookshop for only $3! Can't wait to read it! 😍
At its core, the idea of purpose is the idea that what we do matters to people other than ourselves.