This book was so good I ordered a copy for my sister, too. Actually, I‘m a little jealous: I had a borrowed ebook from the library.
This book was so good I ordered a copy for my sister, too. Actually, I‘m a little jealous: I had a borrowed ebook from the library.
I really enjoyed this book. It‘s the story of the Donner Party but with a supernatural spin. Some characters were added, some people not included, and some backstories... fudged. It does start off a bit slow but builds on itself over time, fast-paced at the end.
Loved some of the characters, loved to hate some of the characters.
Not for the faint of heart in terms of gore.
It arrived a day late because my old card (that was cancelled because someone hacked into my Panera account. 🙄 But it‘s here.
Confession: I love Laura Child‘s Tea Shop Mysteries. They‘re not my normal “type.” But I‘m in love with all things tea and while the stories are okay enough, I really stay for the descriptions. And the tea. And the folks working in the tea shop. And a few moments‘ escape from the day.
According to GoodReads, I marked this as “Want to Read” on April 20, 2015. Today is January 19, 2021.
It... took a few years. So far, it seems good. Kind of wish I‘d read the book first so I didn‘t constantly see the main character as Matt Damon. I didn‘t see it in the theater but I did see it at home. But I might never have picked it up to read without the movie so... thanks, Matt, I guess.
The writing in this book is beautiful. I think this was recommended in a podcast somewhere and I‘m glad I decided to read it. Mystery, intrigue, the English countryside, and generations of women just looking to belong.
This is not my “typical read” and had I read a summary by myself, I probably would have turned it down. A friend read it and said she enjoyed it so I decided to give it a go.
The characters in this well were thought out and “quirky” but not obnoxiously so. The prose is beautiful. Absolutely stunning.
The book has a lot of Christian elements but they work within the story and seemed natural/well-placed to this atheist.
The book is lovely.
You never really know what you‘re going to get when a book is set in a movie franchise turned book. But this book was fantastic. The antagonist was delectable. The main character was far from perfect but that made her... perfect. The level of description was just enough and not too much. And there is, of course, an Android who is well-fleshed out.