Reading in the boat while my husband fishes. Just enjoying the gorgeous weather and time to relax.
Reading in the boat while my husband fishes. Just enjoying the gorgeous weather and time to relax.
A little pre-bedtime reading....... I am enjoying this one so far.
Has been a super long day. Hoping to start this tonight if I don‘t fall asleep on the couch first!
Reading before bed. I like this story. Following the sisters and seeing their point of view at their different ages has me turning pages.
Getting a cold. Settling in with tissues and book. Reading a chapter or two before bed.
Reading while the oldest is in her appointment... Mommy reading time.
I have been looking forward to reading this one. When it comes recommended by my picky teenager, she must have liked it a lot!
Dang!! Just got slammed from the library!! 5 request books at once. Some major reading in my future...
Starting a book that has been recommended several times in one of my FB book groups. I am excited...
BOTM. My first shipment (August). Finally getting to it. :-)
BLT with tomato from the garden and a new book. Very nice for a Thursday evening.
Half way thru this one. Not sure if I like it or not. Just enough is going on to keep reading but so far I am so-so with it.
A little reading while camping. Thought I would try this one since I liked the Hunger Games and Divergent series.