Just... this whole page.
My favorite speech from Hamlet (Act II, Scene II, lines 295-310) reduced to a text...
"Someone will have to carry on the church when I'm gone, and I'm going to be gone soon. In the spring we'll go to Jerusalem for the Passover, and there I will be judged by the scribes and the priests, and there I will be tortured and put to death. But three days from the day of my death, I shall rise, and be with you again."
"Well, that sucks," someone said.
I loved this book! The ending! My god, it was brilliant. I both hated it and loved it at the same time and that is EXACTLY what I wanted from it. Totally going to be one of the books I read more than once.
Best first paragraph of a book. Ever.
"The dirt was filled with dozens of moving insects. And long, brown earthworms. All crawling through the wet, black clumps that lined her father's bed." (So she goes downstairs, has breakfast, talks to her friend and doesn't think about it for the next 3 hours... Brilliant.)
I had this great idea to go back and read all of the original Goosebumps from my early childhood. Started from the beginning. Still love it.
A middle class 2D rectangle's mind is blown when he is shown an illusive "third dimension" and when he tries to relate his experiences with his peers, he is imprisoned for insanity. FUN!