I read this book a few months ago and I love it. Very entertaining, funny and interesting how Olympic Gods are described. Highly recommend it.
#PercyJackson #RickRiordan #TheLightningThief #OlympusGods #Percabeth
I read this book a few months ago and I love it. Very entertaining, funny and interesting how Olympic Gods are described. Highly recommend it.
#PercyJackson #RickRiordan #TheLightningThief #OlympusGods #Percabeth
"There are monsters in the sea" - Monstrous Sea
Simple and rare in its way. How a teenager live most of her time online and some unexpected circumstances makes her get out of it. I love how the two characters communicates to each other by mostly writing and rarely talking. And I think it was quite predictable but that didn't stopped me from keep reading. A very light, funny and easy reading which I thought I wouldn't like but I did, a little bit.