Next read.
I want to climb inside this book and live there. I want Katsu as a pet of my own. I waaaaaaant! Please write more books lovely Natasha Pulley.
Now I'm onto the really good speculative fiction section. And that's saying something for a book that launched several thousand humans into space in a swarm of tiny spaceships.....
Next read. It's a whopper. Strong Neal Stephenson love.
I used to hate giving up on a book, thinking that to finish it was at least that I owed to the author who spent so long writing it, but not anymore. I've read a few Eloisa James and though they were pretty good. As the advert goes 'does what it says on the tin'. This one, for me, did not. Onwards.
Next read. Bookmark designed by Sam Osborne, find her on IG and Etsy, an awesome designer and illustrator.
Next read. I call these my bubblegum reads. I know how they'll end and that's just fine. Whilst my country falls down around my ears, at least I can rely on the predictability of historical romance to soothe my poor broken European heart.
Awesome. So so so awesome. And there's a sequel coming in the autumn. 😃😃😃😃😃
This was okay, it wasn't as fascinating as I hoped. But there are some little gems of facts.
This book isn't on the catalogue, it's just a wee essay released for Independent Bookseller's Week in the UK. Am essay about the gift of reading. It one of the most beautiful things I've ever handled, perfect and tiny and full of truth. Today has been a weird and devastating day, this has helped.
Isn't it odd when you read two completely different books and they both mention something you've never come across before in your life? At the top is The Singer's Gun by Emily St. John Mandel and at the bottom Landmarks by Robert MacFarlane.
Next book, I loved Station Eleven so I've got high hopes for this.
A beauty of a book, one to contemplate and savour. It's about words and nature and the relationship we have with both and relationship they have with each other. It's littered not just with glossaries of place words but references to other books, sure to increase you TBR list dramatically.