This book was so fantastic! The story and characters had me from the start. I have a whole review up on my blog, so check it out and let me know what you think! http://sarahkay98.wixsite.com/lucidbookreviews/blog/
#bookreview #myoxfordyear
This book was so fantastic! The story and characters had me from the start. I have a whole review up on my blog, so check it out and let me know what you think! http://sarahkay98.wixsite.com/lucidbookreviews/blog/
#bookreview #myoxfordyear
“The wand chooses the wizard” - Ollivander, J.K. Rowling
This is my first and only tattoo (for now). I got this with my best friend a year ago to remind me that magic is in everyday life and sometimes I need to be reminded of that.
“Almost every college has a hapless and they‘re almost always empty and lets just say there‘s more to do in your knees in a church than pray”
This book has me crying one minute and laughing out loud so hard the next!