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Joined December 2017

Losing my identity . . .
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Life of Pi by Yann Martel
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The Stand by Stephen King
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The Pirate King by R. A. Salvatore
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Darth Plagueis by James Luceno
World of Wonders | Robertson Davies

This book took me a long time to finish. The language didnt sound as crisp to me as in Fifth Business or the Manticore. The frame unsettled me. Magnus' story adds much-needed elements to the Trilogy. While an uncomfortable read at times, the narrative and investment with Magnus propels me to read further. The Deptford trilogy is near perfect Id say.

The Orc King: Transitions | R.A. Salvatore

As the first book in the Transitions trilogy, this one marks the change in tone. I like that it continues the story of The Hunter's Blades but diverts into other themes besides survival and orc = bad. I'm excited to see where the story goes from here.

It | Stephen King

I finally delved into King. It took some time for the writing style to mesh with me. My enjoyment of the book improved once it did. I love the characters and themes. Some ending beats miss their mark with me, but I appreciate so much of the other stuff. Imma read more King.

ljuliel I‘ve only read a few of his books. They are an acquired taste, I think. You sorta have to let your brain go a bit and let him tell you a story. And so far, I haven‘t found any that have endings that I like. (. I sorta like things all tied up in a neat package at the end , with answers about why, etc. ) you don‘t see that a lot with his books. ( of those I‘ve read). My husband loves his books , and enjoys the strange ride King takes him on. 5y
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Hannibal Rising | Thomas Harris

The story of Hannibal Lecter's origin didn't captivate me. Critical plot points felt rushed and dull. There's something about the pacing and language that I couldn't get behind.

Thrawn | Timothy Zahn

I like Star Wars. I enjoyed Thrawn. The worlds and characters belong in the Star Wars mythos, and the Imperial perspective linked the prequel and original trilogies well. I wish the plot were stronger and the ending less rushed.

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I thought I could finish this one before moving onto the next trilogy. Turns out I should read the Transitions before the last story.

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The Two Swords rounds out the themes and plots of The Hunter's Blades. I thought it was a sound story though I prefer the previous 2 books. Took me a while to get through it but I'm more than ready to jump into the next adventure.

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This book solidifies its trilogy as my favourite so far. I like how it continues to develop themes and characters from previous trilogies, especially those that felt lackluster before. As always, the characters and combat scenes were captivating though the dire stakes from The Thousand Orcs prevails. Obould's rise as a formidable foe in Drizzt's lore is the highlight of the book for me. Not as personal as Errtu or Entreri but quite formidable.

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Easily my favourite book in the Drizzt saga so far. Loved the slower build-up and the fact that this book is just the introduction to a promising series. Very dark. A lot of characters. High stakes. Can't wait to start the sequel.


I read somewhere that the recommended reading order for the Drizzt series had the Collected Stories before The Hunter's Blades Trilogy. Turns out some of these anthologies contain information pertaining to the Trilogy, so I guess I'll put this one back on hold for now.

blithebuoyant I‘m reading them in order of publication and I don‘t feel like I missed anything at all. I‘m working on Neverwinter right now. The Hunter‘s Blades depressed me thoroughly lol So be prepared for that! Super glad to have another FR buddy! ❤️ 6y
LonerDude33 @blithebuoyant , I remember Drizzt mentioning a good goblin in Paths of Darkness so I thought reading the anthologies before moving on would be ok. I didnt realize they were so scattered along Drizzt's timeline! Glad to hear from another FR appreciator. 6y
blithebuoyant @LonerDude33 have you read the Dark Elf Trilogy yet? My brother and I read them differently. I went back and read them after I finished Legacy of The Drow. My brother read the books chronologically so he read the prequels first. 6y
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LonerDude33 @blithebuoyant I reread the prequels first for this run but I discovered Drizzt through the Icewind Dale trilogy so I think my experience reading this series is good. I will say that reading them in publication order makes a bit more sense. I feel like I see Drizzt differently based on where I start my adventure with him. 6y
blithebuoyant @LonerDude33 that is one of my favorite things about Drizzt, his character development is amazing. It‘s so cool to see him early on when Wulfgar is like “Wow this reckless asshole is going to get me killed” and then watch him gradually get more stoic and mature as he spends more time in battle and on the surface. 6y
LonerDude33 @blithebuoyant I always thought that his stoic nature is rooted in finding friends and morals that arent available in Menzoberranzan. With more to lose he starts thinking mote before rushing into the fray. And while I love his development there are moments, especially during Siege of Darkness and against Entreri, that I want his Hunter side to surface. Its one of my favourite aspects from Exile that's really downplayed afterwards. 6y
blithebuoyant @LonerDude33 My brother says the same thing about the Hunter. I dunno. I love all of Drizzt but I do tend to prefer funny, sociable, lovable Drizzt. Where I am in the series he‘s been on his own for a bit and I‘m ready to have my companions of the hall all back together tbh lol but you‘re absolutely right, it is a direct result of having something to live for that stays his hand a lot and keeps him from acting so rash. 6y
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Finally finished this one. I found the plot a bit lengthy and drawn out compared to previous installments but the story was still thrilling. Looking forward for the rest of Drizzt's adventures.

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Despite the lack of Drizzt, Wulfgar's ongoing struggle kept me intrigued. A lot of character development and maturity in this one. Very different from previous installments but I welcome it and enjoy it.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And a belated welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
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The Manticore | Robertson Davies
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I enjoyed how different David's voice is from Dunstan's. I really got that they are different characters in Davies' Trilogy. The overlap between this and Fifth Business didnt feel repetitive, it actually added more depth and complexity to Boy's world. Happy to have the trilogy in the same edition.

Fifth Business | Robertson Davies
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I enjoyed this book more this time. When I read this in school I felt like a lot of the emotions and meanings were forced down my throat. This time I got to experience the novel for myself and I loved it. A different style to the usual story telling from other books. This is all about emotions and life in the most melancholic and unforgivingly real portrayal of the human experience. More than worthy to be a central presence on my shelf.

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Awesome book. I like how it presents the pains and sufferings of Wulfgar and Entreri in the forefront. Only complaint is that Drizzt's arc is placed on hold at some points. Cant wait for the sequel.

The Son | Philipp Meyer
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Really enjoyed how the different generations clicked together by the end. A very aggressive and ultimately sad story of a family legacy. The second act kind of slowed down for me but I always came back to it. Enjoyed it a lot though.

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I liked it. Too many stories and characters to remember but some do stand out. The resolution is a bit anticlimactic given that we already know that humanity won the war. I especially liked the cultural and social aspects that defined people's behaviour. Very vivid, very quick, an enjoyable read all in all.

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The appeal of manga had eluded me until now. Incredibly quick paced and cunning, the tragedy of Light Yagami is a good story. Full of plot twists and memorable characters Death Note managed to earn a permanent spot on my bookshelf.


The pirate theme threw me off a bit but easily one of the Drizzt's best adventures. The subtle reboot returns Drizzt to Ice Wind Dale where we finally see the true power of Errtu. Much better than Siege of Darkness in my opinion.

1984 | George Orwell

I honestly thought this would be a dry and boring read. It was not. Quick paced and vividly real. A depiction of a dystopian future that is unlike anything I've read yet. A twisted and deviant tale that concerns human nature. That ending though.