I enjoyed it but did not love it. I found the different formats at the beginning harder to follow and I didn‘t connect with the characters until much later on in the book.
I enjoyed it but did not love it. I found the different formats at the beginning harder to follow and I didn‘t connect with the characters until much later on in the book.
Available May 14, thank you Simon and Schuster Canada and Netgalley for a copy of The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren for honest review.
Put this one on your summer reading list! I love a light romantic comedy now and again and this one fit the bill perfectly for me! Loved the characters and the romance!
Full review on Goodreads user name LisaBReads
I loved this book! Such a fun ride to a shocking ending that I did not see coming. Read it all in one sitting because I could not put it down. Definitely needs a spot on your summer reading list!