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Joined September 2020

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Its Percy's first day of school in a new school called freshman and is totally ready to get expelled... again. But there is something you should know about Percy, he is a half blood which is a person who is half human and half god. So Percy is in school when everything goes wrong
I am really liking this book because it has a good amount of action and writing really good. I would recommend it to people who like nice long books.


Laser moose is moose that can shoot lasers from his eyes and rabbit boy is just a talking rabbit. Together they make the perfect team to stop evil at every corner. In this book they stop three villains: aqua bear, aliens, and laser moose's worst enemy, cyborgapine!
I love this comic, five stars. I would highly recommend this book to comic book readers that like funny stories.


Amulet is a book about this whos dad just died in a car crash and is trying to get a fresh start in life so her family (mom and brother) move to there long died grandpas house where they find something both amazing and scary.
I think this is one of my most favorite book series. I would highly recommend this book to any comic book readers that love fantasy reads


In this book Percy Jackson was just living his normal life with his normal mom but him on the other hand is a demigod which means he is half god and half human. Anyway, he is just about to get through the last day of school when something goes terribly wrong.
I think this is a great book to read and would recommend this book to any fantasy readers that enjoy a great book.

Ungifted | Gordon Korman

i just started this book and its... very slow. All his book are super good but they all just start so slow and boring, but get better near the middle of the book. The book is about a normal kid accidentally gets put in a smart people school. Again, this is a hard book to get in to so i would recommend this book to dedicated readers.

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this is a bit farther in the story then last post. the 4 adventurers are starting to get how this strange world of there game of homerooms and hall passes. the one thing everyone gets to like is gym class, they can show how good they are at doing: push-ups, and climbing ropes. Albiorix gets the papers to the principal of the school so he can be a real student.
this part of the book was a little bit boring to be honest, it just felt to long for me.


😖homerooms and hall passes is a book about dungeons and dragons but the other way around, they live in a make believe word with: monsters, quests, etc. It starts off with four brave adventures just beat a evil skeleton when they find a butt lode of treasure. but they realize its cursed, so they sadly abandoned it and headed to a town called pig haven. when they get there they start there weekly game of H and H when it all goes wrong. 😲

Cfischbuch Don‘t forget your capitals. Otherwise this sounds like a fun one. 3y
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Wishtree (adult edition) | Katherine Applegate

Wish tree is a book about this tree that once a year, people come to put there wish on the tree. But one day this family moves in to the house next to her and every thing changes.
This is one of my side books i read like ones each year. Its like a easy chapter book that i recommend to any reader.

Cfischbuch Why do you think you return to it each year? 4y
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The Unteachables | Gordon Korman

The unteachables is a great book about this class that is un-teachable and all of them have there own problems like reading problems, anger issues, and being sleepy all day. There new teacher mr. kermit, is not even teaching the class! It looks like a disaster! But a couple months in they start to get one another, becoming friends, and learning!
I'm not done it yet but am loving it to the max! For me, i recommend to any one that likes a ok read!

Cfischbuch Great choice, and a great write up. Nicely done. Funny too. 4y
CookSethPlz I loved this book! Gordan Korman, (the author of this book is great! I love how he tells his story‘s in a way were there is a different character every character, I find that when he does this it makes the book easier to read because you are always hearing it in different perspectives. Great choice link! (edited) 4y
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Restart | Gordon Korman
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Restart is a great discovery book! Can‘t what to find out whats next. I‘m around the middle right now, going to try to finish it this week.

Cfischbuch Awesome job Link! 4y
CookSethPlz Cool! I love this book! 4y
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