Started the physical book last year. Grabbed the audiobook late last year. Like my 4th Steinbeck novel. Slowly became one of my favorite authors. Can‘t wait to finish so I can watch the old film with James Dean. 🐸
Started the physical book last year. Grabbed the audiobook late last year. Like my 4th Steinbeck novel. Slowly became one of my favorite authors. Can‘t wait to finish so I can watch the old film with James Dean. 🐸
I guess this was one of those books/things in life I had to experience for myself. From this book, come this line:
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills”.
I saw first hand his simplicity with words. There is certainly pain in these pages. Misunderstanding. Love and war. A sense of uneasiness about life. A memorable book for the rest of my life.
Short novel. Such simplicity to Hemingway. I‘ll follow up after I‘m finished. 🤓
Not a bad read. In my heart I know nothing is left to chance. God does not roll the dice. Reason unknown to reason.
No happy endings with Steinbeck, just harsh unrelenting reality. Was cut into all the tiny pieces after the first chapter. It‘s now one of my favorite 📚 books. Death is a reoccurring theme in all his stories. Was certainly a lot of pain in this one as well. Forever cemented into my heart and mind. 🐴
The first book 📚 I‘ve read by Goethe. Book had some great moments of prose and wit. A love unrequited story, though I hate using that word. I don‘t know why writers from this time all rather die then love someone who would be happy with them. I would say, she did return the feelings if we are being honest with ourself. In this edition, he says in retrospect, that fist love is the only true love. All love after is transient. I feel this maybe true
Halfway through this book. Halfway through tons of books. Huge fan of Jung. This is definitely a different subject from most of his other work. Food for thought I suppose.
Bought tons of books 📚 in the last 3 months. Very excited for this one. 🐸
Did I just join a book club with this app? Maybe. Wish it would allow users to chat outside of posts is my only gripe. Very fond of conversations about literature though. Started this book awhile ago, then bought 50 other books. It deserves all the praise. 📚☕️
I had to find a place to finish this short read alone. In anticipation for a dramatic ending. Some people might suggest #Steinbeck is "depressing". I think it's abrupt ending is closer to reality. In that, sometimes, our vices have no happy endings. ???