In honor of the 37th anniversary of the never ending story here some beautiful art works!
In honor of the 37th anniversary of the never ending story here some beautiful art works!
For the #Septemberphotochallenge! My favorite reads for August wast the Rat prince and the lyre thief! #favoritereadsofaugust #dayone
Hello, since this is a book and reading community I wanted to share my poetry. In 2013 on this day I wad sexually assaulted and abused because I have autism. I lost all interest in reading and writing. 2014 I met a guy who become my best friend and love of my life. He got me to start reading again this past year and as of today write. I wanted to share my poem about Henry the 8th with you. I hope you like it. :)
I'm getting a pet rat and read him this book! Does anyone know if jumbo male rats are friendly?
Somtimes I dress up when I read i feel the books deserve it for all the happiness they give me
Don't you just love when books come out in stores before their release date?! I do
I am so happy! Thanks to everyone to is following me and welcomed me! I feel well loved!
CALLING ALL READERS!! Can someone recommend my some political/court fantasy books like game of thrones, lyre thief, gentlemen basterds series, decoy princess, etc.
My next read!! “Letters are signs of things, symbols of words, whose power is so great that without a voice they speak to us the words of the absent; for they introduce words by the eye, not by the ear.” Isidore of Seville
10/10 stars! It was so good. Politics, humor, romance, mystery, magic, adventure! You name it and its probably has it! Hands down a great read!
For the #Augustphotochallenge. This is one of my reading spots! #augustofpages
Fantastic book! I LOVE all things goblin so this was right up my alley. It so funny! It a long read but don't let that scare you off. I recommend it for people who love goblins, a funny read and terry pratchet or nail gaimen
Hello bookish world! I'm new here! Just thought i'd drop in and say "Hi!" and introduce myself: Name's Lani and, as you can tell, I love books. As of right now I have 200+ books in my tbr pile and always looking for more! I love fantasy, historical fiction, middle grade fiction, Ya fiction, mystery, thriller, suspense (paranormal) and action adventure (like Indiana jones). My current read is: lyre thief! So good!
My OWN library i started in my room!