If you like books about New Orleans, murder and voodoo this is an interesting read. Colorful characters and a fast read
Brilliant and disturbing. I think book was metaphorical to a degree and not to be taken literally It can eerily be compared to society today though takes place in medieval times. It sticks to the basic fairy tale story line of the originals complete with the cannibalism that did go on in those times during long term famine hence the inspiration for Hansel and Gretel. Great dark humour read. You may enjoy if you are a Monty Python fan.
Wonderfully disturbing book. I read this maybe in the 70's and I need to read it again
Great author if you loved being creeped out. Her work is very dark and disturbing. She mostly writes in a period too where woman were treated like second class citizens Her books all appear to be well researched to create a feeling you are in the time period
Loved this book Very creepy. But I like 90% of the books I have read by this author. Always a lot of twists and they are a fast read