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Joined August 2017

This is Not My Hat | Jon Klassen
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This is Not My Hat, written and illustrated by Jon Klassen, tells the story about a little fish that takes something that does not belong to him! This book is children‘s lit and can be used as a storytelling book, as it is short and easy to memorize. A UDL that could be applied: 1.3, offer alternatives for visual info. An ESOL that could be used: 16, integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities

farynantenucci Interested in using this for my storytelling! I also really like your lesson you found. 7y
kkidwell I LOVE seeing STEM activities incorporated into these Litsy posts. That is extremely important! There is so much we can do with books that go beyond the text itself. 7y
MadisonFeltis I want to Read this book so badly because it is so popular! And I heard it was funny! 7y
DrSpalding Books that can help with STEM lessons are important. Good resource for a great book. 7y
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Creepy Carrots, written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Peter Brown, tells the story of Jasper Rabbit, who absolutely loves carrots! He loves them so much, he eats them everywhere.... until the day the carrots started following him home.... or are they? This book would be great for shared or partner reading! A UDL I️ found for this: 1.3, offer alternatives for visual information.

Klewis81 An ESOL strat that can be used: 17, provide contextual support through visuals. Attached is a lesson that can be used in class: http://mrswillskindergarten.com/creepy-carrots-lesson-plans/ #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
MichelleL I love the stem trap for the rabbits in your lesson plan! Very cute. 7y
brittanyg I am going to have to get this book to add to my classroom library. 7y
kkidwell I did this story as well! I actually did a RA with it in a kindergarten classroom. They absolutely loved it! They were engaged the entire time and couldn't stop asking questions. I like that there are a variety of activities in your link. Students will love them all. 7y
DrSpalding Many of you decided to read this after hearing about it in one of your course pack articles. I love to hear that they have been used in classrooms and students loved them. Good choice and thanks for sharing @KKidwell 7y
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After I️ Fall, written and illustrated by Dan Santat, tells the sweet story about Humpty Dumpty and his comeback from his embarrassing fall off the wall! This story is great for a read-aloud, as I feel it encourages self-confidence and a belief in ones self! A UDL I️ found was 9.2-9.3, which facilitates personal coping skills as well as self-assessment and reflection. An ESOL that can be applied is 3, which encourages self talk/positive thinking!

Klewis81 Attached is a lesson that can be used in class: http://www.stemread.com/after-the-fall/. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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The Bad Seed | Jory John
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The Bad Seed, a children‘s literature book written by Jody Johns, tells the story about a bad seed. A really, REALLY BAAAAAAAAAAD seed! He has a bad temper and manners, but one day, he decides to be happy and everything changes! This book could be used for a read-aloud in class, as more often than not, our students will have behavioral problems. A UDL I️ found for this: 9.3, which is to develop self-assessment and reflection.

Klewis81 An ESOL strat that can be applied: 3, encourage self-talk (positive thinking). Attached is a lesson that can be used: https://thiskidreviewsbooks.com/2017/09/15/perfect-picture-book-friday-the-bad-s... 7y
AshleyAA A great book to show students just how drastically a positive attitude can effect all aspects of their lives. Will have to add this to my library! 7y
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte‘s Web, a classic! Written by E.B. White, the novel shares the story of a little pig named Wilbur who was born a runt. With nobody to love him, his destiny seems to be death, but Fern, Mr. Arable‘s daughter, has a different idea! This novel is perfect for independent reading! A UDL strat I️ found that applied to this was 7.2, optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. An ESOL that could be applied: 12, teach language and context!

Klewis81 Attached is a great lesson plan that can be used in class: https://www.superteacherworksheets.com/charlottes-web.html. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
MichelleL Great lesson plan, I will use that in the future 7y
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Goodnight Already! | Jory John
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Goodnight Already, written by Jory John and illustrated by Benji Davies, tells the sweet story of an exhausted Bear that wants to sleep and his very eager and persistent neighbor, Duck, who wants to hang out! This book could be a great example for students who are sometimes too impatient or eager to see what else is going on around them! A UDL that could be applied to this is 3.2, highlighting patterns, critical features, and relationships!

Klewis81 An ESOL strat that could be applied: 30, encourage the use of diagrams and drawings as aids to identify concepts and relationships. Attached is a lesson that could be used in class: http://assetlibrary.supadu.com/images/ckfinder/687/images/Goodnight-Already/Even... #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
MichelleL Awe making your own door hangers! That is too cute and a great way for kinesthetic learners! 7y
DrSpalding I added this to my stack. Nice job aligning strategies and principles. 7y
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The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, by Mordicai Gerstein, tells the story of acrobat Phillipe Petit on his daring tightrope walk between the twin towers of the World Trade Center in 1974! I️ feel that for this book, a read aloud with the class would be best! A UDL that can be applied is 9.1, which promotes expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation.

Klewis81 An ESOL strat that could be applied is 42, have students use timelines to arrange/sequence important facts and info! 7y
AJones Great book! I read it for my TL assignment. 7y
MichelleL Love your lesson! 7y
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Are You Ready to Play Outside?, by Mo Willems, is about Elephant and Piggie. Just as they are about to play, it starts to rain, running Piggie‘s mood. Elephant, trying to stay positive, encourages Piggie to see the of weather as a fun thing. This book could be great when dealing with students that may have trouble adapting to new things, or students that overall need a more positive attitude! UDL includes: 1.3, 3.2, 3.3, 6.2, 8.3.

Klewis81 ESOL includes: 2, 10, 15 7y
Klewis81 Attached is a lesson plan that could be used in class to see what kind of activities the students could do when it‘s raining versus when it‘s not: http://study.com/academy/lesson/are-you-ready-to-play-outside-lesson-plan.html 7y
DrSpalding What better than books that can help teach how important it is to have a positive attitude. Expand on strategies. 7y
supan.katherine Such a cute read! Love how you found a lesson plan that include activities that could be used for when it‘s raining out and when it‘s not. Definitely useful for those ugly weather days as well as the great ones. Great post! 7y
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Our Walk in the Woods | Charity Nebbe
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Our Walk in the Woods, written by Charity Nebbe and illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler, is the sweet story about Abby and her dog, Kirby, going for a walk. Throughout the story, it constantly changes POV, so we are hearing and reading about what both Abby and Kirby think. This book is great when it comes to discussing POV as well as comparing and contrasting! UDL includes: 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 6.4, 9.3. ESOL includes: 4, 12, 16, 17.

Klewis81 Attached is a lesson from Pinterest I found that could be used in class: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pinterest.com/amp/pin/185280972143206742/ 7y
ashley.v This seems like a fun book to read, especially since it is sometimes in the dogs point of view. It would be a good book to teach kids how points of view differ about the same event. 7y
DrSpalding What genre? Again on further posts be sure to expand on EL/UDL strategies. Point of view is difficult to teach and can be easier using great books. 7y
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The Polar Express | Chris Van Allsburg
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The Polar Express, written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg, a Caldecott winner, is the sweet story about a young boy who used to adore Christmas, but is now finding it harder and harder to believe. To his astonishment, he gets picked up by the Polar Express, which takes him on the journey of a lifetime! This was always a holiday favorite of mine, and could be used around the holiday times! UDL includes 1.3, 3.2, 9.2.

Klewis81 Attached is the trailer to the movie: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8HOFMhpxceA 7y
DrSpalding Love the book and love the movie. What about EL strategies? Expand a bit on your UDL as well. Genre? 7y
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