Moving, powerful, deeply informative - this is not only one of the strongest biographies I have ever read but a very galvanizing one. Roosevelt strides like a colossus over every page, from first to last. Heady, fascinating stuff.
Moving, powerful, deeply informative - this is not only one of the strongest biographies I have ever read but a very galvanizing one. Roosevelt strides like a colossus over every page, from first to last. Heady, fascinating stuff.
Personal, intense, packed with the raw detail that only non-fiction can bring. James Hornfischer's debut book about the US Navy during The Battle of Samar Island is heart-rendering in its honesty. Highly, highly recommended.
Incredible! Taste the sea salt, smell the blood, hear the explosions of the shells. Mr. Hornfischer has created a masterpiece of naval history that isn't soon forgotten. Positively thunderous.
Had this one lying around for a while now and am suddenly thrown into the thick of enjoying every word. I particularly enjoy Hornfischer's strongly active prose, making the events unfold anew.
Amazing - Ms. Varnay's recollections of her long career are illuminating. She's a solid storyteller, gracious in her words but supremely confident in her actions. Opera and autobiography lovers, take note.
I have been a lover of classical music for all of my adult life and even younger than that. In that time I have read treatises, biographies, essays, and all other matters of text on the subject: this book is one to stand at the summit with them. Mr. Steinberg writes with care and passion, leaving me with an even deeper appreciation for this noble art. Absolutely a top pick.
I loved every single word that Keith Houston wrote here. Witty, engaging, easy to absorb but strong enough in its knowledge to last a lifetime. In a year of reading "books about books" this one is a favorite.
Newest acquisition - I can't hardly wait to start in on it.
Perfect weather for settling into this one a little more.
I laughed, I cried, I came away knowing even more about myself than I did before. Nina George has a magic all her own and I think I'm going to carry it with me from now on. Definitely one of those I'm going to recommend.
A bet, the backwoods, and a little booze - what more does a man need?
I'm in complete agreement.
My goodness how I love a book thay makes me sit for 100 pages at one time.
Continuing on my journey of books about book lovers - The Little Paris Bookshop. I'm not even ten pages in and already I hear the romantic sigh of the Seine.
I'm saddened that I am near the end of this book, as I find it very difficult to stop reading. Always the greatest sadness of a good book, as they must finish.
Good thing there will ALWAYS be another to take its place.
A mass of images, rememberances, and ideals comes instantly to mind when we hear the word "symphony."
In lieu of finishing The Watchmaker of Filigree Street next, I will be heading on to Genevieve Cogman's new novel - and if you haven't read The Invisible Library, do it. Anyone who loves books about book lovers will adore it.
I love the typeface in this novel - it gives as much life to the book as the story itself.
I'm regretting starting and then setting this book aside for so long, as the last couple days have gone by and I haven't been able to put it down. Absolutely enchanting and more than likely to be finished this weekend.