Books are my world ❤️ #happyreads
Books are my world ❤️ #happyreads
I've always been a Ravenclaw but look at the percentage on the others ! Oh my ! For sure should take the test!
#marchintoreading #blameitonlitsy because it's 12:45am and I'm suppose to be asleep but I see so many Harry Potter post I just had to grab the book and start reading it !
#marchintoreading #didntlikeitstillfinished I loved the first book but it just seemed that the second one just went down and I lost interest got half way through and put it down ! Hopefully I'll pick it back up in a couple of weeks and change my opinion !
#marchintoreading #judgesbyitscover I absolutely heard so many good things about red queen and as soon as I seen the cover I feel in love ! Book number two to read for this month !
Morning routine ! BOOKS ❤️