Great find.
I have to say all holocaust books I have read are about Jewish people and this books talks about gypsies. And the extraordinary story of a German mother and her 5 kids. This book will be one to remember.
Great find.
I have to say all holocaust books I have read are about Jewish people and this books talks about gypsies. And the extraordinary story of a German mother and her 5 kids. This book will be one to remember.
I love WW2 books, and this book was awesome. How this little 13 year old girl ends up in concentration camps and stays with her mother. When she was 14 years old they get liberated as if she had lived a thousand years. Thousand years of horror. Great book.
Absolutely amazing story, came across it as a suggestion on amazon and bought it. I have to say I will never regret it. It is a book you will always remember and keep in your heart. There will always be hope, even after it all ends. If you can buy this book and read it. It will make you cry as it did to me, but it will being you hope and help you see things a different way and appreciate what we have. I will keep this book close to my heart 4ever
Book #44 2020
Great WW2 book.
2 girls, 2 stories. I liked the book very much.
Book #38 2020
What a great detective thriller. I enjoyed this book very much and it leaves it open for a second book. I wont spoil the ending.
#33 2020
I was intrested in this book as it is a WW2 book, but it was very confusing. I didn't really care for it but finished it. The last part I think is the best. I am not saying it is really bad, it's just I didnt care for it but dont be discouraged by my review.
#32 2020
Good interesting book, I didnt see the ending coming like that.
#30 2020
I really enjoyed this book, once you start reading the story starts to unfold and it's very clear what's going on. So you keep reading to find out the ending. Easy to read.
#29 2020
What a book!!!! Crazy true story. Murder, sadistic crazy mom and dad that played along. Total crazy and unbelievable cruelty. For a second I thought I was reading a fictional book of Stephen King, but no this is for real. I wont spoil the book giving more details. I am for sure reading more books from Greff Olsen.
This books was pretty good, talks about an orphan child that lives in a building and runs around alone. Talks about him turning from a child to a man. I liked it, had a cool ending.
Lately I been reading Simone St. James books. They have it all mystery, paranormal, murder and love. This particular story was about a physic had tons of turns and twist and I never saw the ending. Nothing I could predict like with other books. Great book.
Great ghostly mystery book, I enjoyed it very much. Lots of turns and twist. Murder, missing and love all in one book.
Book #8 2020, Great story, totally addicting you wont be able to stop reading.
Omg !!! What a great book, first time reading Simone St James and won't be the last, had it all ghost murders and even a holocust refugee. I recomend this book 100%
Well from the begging you know what the ending will be, but you keep reading to see how it develops.
Awesome stories of children that survived the Holocust some in hidding and some that survived 5 years on consentration camps, some last everything and some survived with all their families. Good book.
What an amazing book, how Edith survived the war. So sad she didnt end up with either of the man she loved.
Great book, I have read about Mala and Eker and this is a book that talks about them. A romantic book with a tragic ending, but in Auschwitz there was never a happy ending.
What I great book, I have read lots of survivors stories from the Holocaust but never really had the opportunity to focus on the children. I read the book Irene's Childrens and it talks about how they saved childrens but they never go into detail an what happen to them, to me this is like the other side of the coin. It is sad as it is told by the surviving children some that last all family members.
Good book and very explicit. I liked it very much, not hard to read. Sad ending.
Beautiful story, I was not expecting the ending. Amazing book.
What an amazing book, I read tons of books of WW2 and this is different talks a little bit about everything. The SS life and the horrors inside the camp. I loved the store and the ending. Don't worry I wont spoil it for you. Read it I highly recommend it. 👍
Interesting book, amazing to see that people didn't believe the escapees when they went back home and told the horror stories they had seen. Reminds me of Night of Eli Weissel where he too heard about a men that said he had been taken by the germans. But I guess no one wanted to believe the inhumanity of people
I absolutley loved this book, story of 3 young women living in consentration camps in 1945 and giving birth. Returning home to find her husbands have perish. Very good book.
Trying to read ... love the book and so does my dog lol
I have to say my sister went to a seminar a got the book for me, and no offence but it is the most repetitive book I have ever read, I was unable to finish it since every chapter she used the same examples and to me it seems like I was reading the same thing over and over and over. I am sorry I didn't care for this book at all.
I love this Novel, how crazy for a women to fall in love with the towns priest. A young women that sacrificed for happiness for her mother and ended up alone. Sad and happy all at the same time.
Jewish girl survives WW2, married an American has 2 kids and he kills him self in 1969
Tale of a Jewish boy that turns Christian after the Halocust.
Awesome story of 2 Jewish sisters hiding during WW2. I absolutely loved the end of this book.
I always wanted to read a book about Irene. Heard stories how she smuggled kids out of the camps and saved them. I knew nothing else about it, but reading this book I was so amazed how many people helped and also the love story behind it.
Read this book in 2 days as it was very hard to stop reading. The books talks about the life for a Jewish family in the 1940. Talks about how this family never imagine something so bad could happen. At the beginning he talks about a man that said the germans had cought him and others and made them dig their own graves and shot them. He escape and no one believed him. So sad a young man lost everything
Absolutely loved this book. Talks about the authors journey in the concentration camp and what kept him going day by day. For a man that last everything, he still had a meaning.
Loved this book, shows the state of mind of 8 people in hiding, talks about their struggles for food and to survive and also has some funny remarks made by a young girl.
Fascinating story of a polish couple that survived the halucust in consentration camp. The part I loved the most was that Meryl was able to locate her little brother that also survived, they both that that they were the only survivors.
Beautiful and inspiring tale of 2 sisters. Very detail in there day to day in the consetrantion camp.