Happy book birthday to Ace of Shades!! This is a dark version of what I imagine Las Vegas would look like if it had magic, and also use to be a monarchy. My full review is up ony blog!
Happy book birthday to Ace of Shades!! This is a dark version of what I imagine Las Vegas would look like if it had magic, and also use to be a monarchy. My full review is up ony blog!
We have been treated to the highest form of slow burn and we have been blessed this day. How did you like the progression of Jude and Cardan's relationship? Did anyone else get Taming of the Shrew vibes??
I'm loving this world so far and the writing is just so elegant.
I haven't started this book yet but I can't wait to. I've heard so many amazing things about it and it finally was released in the US.
"Blame is something that is shared but denied in equal measure." (164, 1st HB)
"Thete comes a moment when time seems to slip faster, running long then short, Shadow shining as the sun climbs. It's the moment, he decided, when you're no longer a child. When the concept of time and the need for more of it come together and make you Perks. Make you yearn for the longer days, the lazy days, before you knew what time passing actually meant." (239, PB, 1st)
"It was difficult to remind himself that Colton wasn't really made of flesh, that he was a manifestation. He felt real enough." (91, 1st paperback)
"When the world moves forward too fast for some people, they try to pull us all back with their gear." (483, HB 1st)
"It is only the wind, and it knows well that no one listens to its cries." (9, HB 1st)
"Normal was a lot more tempting when it was out of reach." (117 HB, 1st) #ya #fantasy #thedarkestpartoftheforest
"Rhy watched his brother move toward her as naturally as if the world had simply tipped. For Kell apparently, it had." (196, first edition HB) #acol #shadesofmagic #aconjuringoflight
Absolutely stunning and adorable book. I have to say some of the characters weren't my favorite, but I loved this book all the same. What's not to like about a bookstore-love letter-romance?? #wordsindeepblue #ya #contemporary
I really need to reread this book because it's been a bit since I last read it. The writing is enchanting and elegant and the ship is SO REAL. Anyone wanting to buddy read???
I am ECSTATIC for this movie tincimenoit. I loved the book although I wish Rachel and Nick's relationship was explored more because I just love them so much. But honestly this was such a fun, energetic read. And if you feel like there's nothing to discuss or you don't "get it" hmu because there's SO MUCH.
HOLY SHIT. I am in complete and utter awe of this book. I have so many thoughts about it. I have many good friends who are Mormons and have Mormon queer friends; I loved it. I was so nervous to read this book because of how nuanced and complex the relationship between the queer community and the LDS church is. Christina Lauren did a stunning job of marrying (no pun intended) them and helping non-LDS people understand. Review will be forthcoming!!
I'm starting this book today and I'm very nervous because I know a lot about Mormon culture and Provo. I've heard good things about it though. Anyone else read this??
This is a brilliant introduction into feminism. It's very intersectional and it's built on women supporting women which is SO important. I wish I had this book back when I was in high school.
At first it is very tropey and not super original but it got very tense and I was a lot more interested after about 200 pages. Overall I think I would have traded more world building for the pages in the middle. It's an interesting concept and I would have liked to spend more time exploring different aspects of it.
Some people think this book and the Hunger Games are the exact same thing. But I'd disagree. Both might have same the concept, but both have very different trajectories and endings.
I knew this book was going to be good but it's so amazing. Like a badass woman character who is. Actually. Villianous? WHAT A CONCEPT. Anyway, who else is reading this amazing piece of work by Julie Dao?
*About to dive back into another Adam Silvera book*
Me: please be gentle with my feels