Well worth read on how our best memories are created through singular special, out of the ordinary, experiences. "Delight others with special moments" the authors tell us "and people will remember the entirety of a span of times fondly"
Well worth read on how our best memories are created through singular special, out of the ordinary, experiences. "Delight others with special moments" the authors tell us "and people will remember the entirety of a span of times fondly"
John Steinbeck's ability to write in( what I refer to as) an impressionist style comes to the fore in this book. The book is an amazing critique of the American industrial revolution and its effect on the family unit of the working class. There are so many ways to dissect this work of art that this blurb cannot do it justice.
Put this in your must read list
The book is long, thought provoking and (Dare I say it?) ...Comforting.
Ayn Rand's magnum opus is a serious read. It's a clash of ideologies written in form of a fictional story. The path is long and wayward. Yet its purpose, the reader's discovery of self importance as a moral good, is achieved through the protagonists.
Thus the drawback of this book lies in a philosophical diatribe by a main protagonist which is too long to retain interest.
A book about life through the eyes of an author.
Anne Lamott is quirky, funny and poignant about life. Her writing style in this book brings the reader into the awe of imagined realities and then returns him to earth gently with her wit.
This book on the realities of writing is an excellent commentary on life and I highly recommend it