Listened to this book in one day. Usually I listen only at work, this one I kept listening at home until it was finished.
Listened to this book in one day. Usually I listen only at work, this one I kept listening at home until it was finished.
Very enjoyable, a little predictable but with enough surprises mixed in to keep it interesting. Good mystery with a hint of supernatural.
Read it in one day. Light fantasy romance. Could be a Lifetime movie.
Read it if you like creepy. It won't be for everyone as it's done in the style of police reports and diary entries but it was creepy good. Kept me reading and actually made me a little scared to go to sleep last night, that almost never happens.
I'm not done with it yet, actually finding it hard to finish. There is no character that I actually want 'win'. I actually want the entire cast of characters to end up killing each other and some other group take over their country. I'm sure I should have sympathy for the main character, she obviously has PTSD and is mentally ill, but there is nothing redemptive about her. Even her care for her sister is something she *should* feel.
A modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice but the first half of the book feels like it tries to hard to parallel the original. I actually wish the book had been to P and P what Clueless was to Emma, and the second half of the book delivers that sort of retelling. It's hard to recommend this book because the first half was so forced.
Read this book. Seriously. It is a wonderful read (or listen in my case) It reads like an honest to goodness memoir and it would be easy to forget that this is fiction except for some terms for months or nations and of course, Dragons. It isn't overly melodramatic, there are points where people annoy you and then make you love them. And it leaves you with hope. I actually think I'll be looking for this book in actual physical form.
New page for the bullet journal. Most books I listen to at this point because I can listen while I work so I'm not recording which I physically read and which I listened to.
Ended up returning this book to Audible. I hated the character of Kip soooo much. He was pushy and rude and didn't respect anyone, especially the female lead he was supposedly interested in. He had all the marks of a spoiled brat on his way to be being an abuser (if he wasn't already) and his actions in the book made me so uncomfortable I could not listen to any more of it. I'll stick to the Hallmark Movie.
Got the audiobook because I liked the Hallmark movie. Definitely enjoyed the movie better. Kip is even less likeable in the book, to the point where I want to scream at the main character that she needs to kick his ass. He is a narcissist who constantly pushes. Of course I'm also yelling at her for ever starting something with 1. One of her employers and 2. A guy she isn't interested in except to distract her from his brother.
Not my favorite story. It was sweet and it had bright points but overall left me a bit dissatisfied, I'm not exactly sure what was missing but... Yeah,just not quite there.
Absolutely wonderful. Imaginative with just the right mix of history to keep it... believable. Highly recommend.
More history next, this time with a Halloween flair. I listen to a lot of my books now a days since I can listen while I work, they still count right?
Just finished. I'm pretty sure it was written for audio and it was an enjoyable listen. Oddly the chapter on Edith Wharton had a couple of poignant messages for me, same with the epilogue. Has a lot of interesting history bits so I'd recommend it to anyone who likes odd history as well as those suffering from a break up.
Just started on Audible. Good writing and I'm only on the first story of Nero's bad break up!