A timeless journey into the vast and fascinating depths of the human condition. It might just have you breaking apart concrete narratives and revisioning how your psyche navigates this existence.
A timeless journey into the vast and fascinating depths of the human condition. It might just have you breaking apart concrete narratives and revisioning how your psyche navigates this existence.
After falling in love with Children of Time, I could not wait for Children of Ruin. This site is simply unparalleled. The language is absolutely brilliant and his spectacular creatures are written in anthropomorphic perfection. Children of Ruin is a heady read - thick with deep science and theoretical contemplation. This is not for everyone. It does not move fast and is not purely action filled, but it will push the boundaries of your psyche.
So far this book is brilliant. If someone would have told me I would find myself emotionally enveloped in a telling of the Russian Revolution, I'd have said that person was mad. That being said, this is one of my favorite authors telling the story, so perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised. To say I am deeply mystified by its unique narrative is an understatement.
And so begins my journey down the twisted spiral that is House of Leaves...dear October, how I adore your eerie ways...