I wish there was more to the ending of this book! It took me a little bit to get into it, but by the end I wasn‘t ready for it to end!
I wish there was more to the ending of this book! It took me a little bit to get into it, but by the end I wasn‘t ready for it to end!
I really ended up enjoying this book. It‘s definitely not what I expected, but once I got a few chapters in I could predict the ending. The book was so interesting that I was left wanting to know HOW the ending would happen though so I keep on reading!
I had a really difficult time getting interested and staying interested in this one... I kept forgetting which characters did what and how things were connecting. Definitely not a favorite.
It was hard to get into at first, but I ended up enjoying it. Poor Ryan💔
Starting The Wife Between Us tonight!! Thoughts on this one?! #TheWifeBetweenUs
Such an easy and quick read! Finished it in less than 24 hours. The end confused me at first, but none the less, it was a good book. Glad to cross it off the list!
“The world can begin to feel lonely and sparse, teeming though it may be with freshly minted young souls.” ~Vivian Morris
Trying to start my new book, but dwelling on the last page of this one🤔