Really enjoying this
Hello, old friend.
Why no, actually, I don't plan on leaving the bed today...
I'm loving this so far. There's no one quite like Lorrie Moore.
I will finish this today even if it kills me.
This month's book club book- mermaids and cabins on quiet islands and professors who marry their students
When your boss recommends you a book...
Is it rude to keep reading this while my partner's friends are over? ...
12 hour work days call for books about other times and places...
I've spent this weekend being inspired by the inaugural Australian Short Story Festival- the shorter forms of fiction are vastly under read in our country and we do have a real breadth of talent working here and calling Australia home. I have long loved the insights and the clarity in Cate Kennedy's short stories and was inspired to hear her speak twice this past weekend at the Centre for Stories and the State Library of WA #assf16 #shortstories
Last night I saw Cate Kennedy open the inaugural Australian Short Story Festival in Perth. She is a truly amazing writer. Who are your favourite #shortfiction writers?
Tomorrow will be a day of getting things done, but for now...
Any book about Turing gets my interest.
I am totally, completely, utterly taken in... And a little disturbed... by Alice Liddell and Mr Dodgson.
Another day, another book! Found this while browsing at the gorgeous new Perth library and it tickled my fancy. About to dive down the rabbit hole.
New book! Ok, so this is a proof I got ahead of publication but I just haven't had time to get to it yet... Some say this one is better than Burial Rites, so I'm very excited to get stuck in. #amreading #hannahkent #thegoodpeople
The end. I haven't wanted to cry so much while reading in a long time! I think I'll be missing Willem and Jude for days to come. #amreading
Just picked this one up, looks interesting.
Been meaning to read this one for so long but was almost afraid to, in case it was disappointing. So far, so good, but a lot of the book still to go.