Just reorganized my bookshelf and I love it. I tried to put all the books I haven‘t read up there, but as you can see I ended up more with a red theme then a to read theme. Love it anyway❤️ 📚
Just reorganized my bookshelf and I love it. I tried to put all the books I haven‘t read up there, but as you can see I ended up more with a red theme then a to read theme. Love it anyway❤️ 📚
Just made my diy book sleeve and I am in loveeeee❤️. I was about to purchase one, when I saw the price of it. This was a super cheap and fun way to make a book sleeve.
I finished Princess Academy by Shannon Hale, and I am going to start reading My Lady Jane, by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. I have had this on my tbh for a while, not really knowing what the book was about, but I have read the first chapter and I am excited to dive right into this book!!
So, after much time of thinking, I‘m going to start reading Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. The main reason is because it was my moms childhood favorite, and she wants me to read it. But, it has also just been sitting on my tbr pile for too long!!
Finally finished the whole Twilight Saga!!! It was sooo good!! After reading all of them, I‘m not sure which one was my favorite?? But now that I finished the series, I can feel the hanger over coming, and I‘m not gonna be able to do anything for a little while😭. But you know the books have to be pretty good to do that!! I wish I would have discovered these books when they first came out, but I definitely recommend!!
I am a few chapters in on Breaking Dawn and I‘m not sure how I feel about it. My favorite book in this series so far was surprisingly New Moon!! I‘m going to keep reading, and see how I like it. Also, after I finish I need some suggestions in the comments for books I should read next!!
"Yes, always. Your boots, they are expensive, well made. That tells me that you come from a wealthy family. But the style is one made for an older woman. That tells me they probably belonged to your mother. A mother sacrificed her boots for her daughter. That tells me you are loved, my dear. And your mother is not here, so that tells me that you are sad, my dear. The shoes tell the story."