My husband talked me into reading it last year. I finally caved and while I thought the beginning was slow going, when this book takes off, it hits the ground running full speed.
I love Aech and Parzival. I entirely wish there was more to the book.
My husband talked me into reading it last year. I finally caved and while I thought the beginning was slow going, when this book takes off, it hits the ground running full speed.
I love Aech and Parzival. I entirely wish there was more to the book.
A buddy of mine talked me into reading this one years ago and I fell in love with the series. I'm finally finishing what's out and eagerly awaiting the short collection coming out this year.
Harry Dresden is a professional wizard. And much to the displeasure of wizards far older than him, he has a certain moral code. Basically meaning he can't say no to doing what he believes is right, even if for the rest of his world it might seem wrong.