A thick book on Barbra Streisand which only covers 4 years of her life! I thought it may have actually been on her life up till know but it was only Q9 from a charity store.
A thick book on Barbra Streisand which only covers 4 years of her life! I thought it may have actually been on her life up till know but it was only Q9 from a charity store.
"I would like to be remembered as a man who brought innovation to popular singing, a peculiar, unique fashion that I wish one of these days somebody would learn to do so it doesn't die where it is..."
-Frank Sinatra to Walter Cronkite, November 16, 1965. #frank #Sinatra #franksinatra #music #bio #biography
As I finish one book, I go onto another. A rarer book on Marilyn Monroe which I was lucky enough to get for a very cheap price a few months back. #marilyn #monroe #marilynmonroe #biography #bio #non-fiction #requiem #photography
A beautiful story of a danish man transforming into a women. A beautiful telling of a true story. Lili Elbe was one of the first, if not the first, men to undergo surgery to become a female. Ebershoff does such a great job of telling the story and keeping it respectful. He leaves us with such love for Lili and wanting to know what happens next for her at the end.
'Einar imagined the woman driving her sedan home to Loschwitz and placing the toiletries in the cabinet above her husband's sink.' Reading this beautifully written book at the moment. Not feeling so well today so it will be a book and bed sought of day! #Danish #girl #david #ebershoff #transgender