A fairly good story, worth the reading time, but I was a bit let down with the ending....maybe it's just me.
A fairly good story, worth the reading time, but I was a bit let down with the ending....maybe it's just me.
An interesting biography that looks into how Chanel built a fashion empire & the characters that surrounded her as she got started. Reads like a novel: I quite enjoyed it : )
One of my all time favorite series; a post apocalyptic tale of huge underground cities & the people who live there. Also the story of how the bunkers came to be & what caused the world outside to turn dark.
Not an easy read, but well worth the time. This should have been required reading. Scary & true...
A fast paced adventure in the not too distant future. Following a professional gamer & his team as they battle it out in a massive online arena while the world watches & corporations compete for add space in the game. Realistic game play & a great story; I couldn't put it down. Highly recommend; especially if you game ; )
A small town is quarantined due to toxic contamination: the story follows one of the inhabitants as she discovers intriguing secrets about the spill & what is really happening behind the scenes. Overall, a good easy read: I did find the main character's attitude a bit annoying, but maybe that's just me 😜
I'm not sure how to rate this one: I think it definitely has appeal for younger readers, but I felt that there were a lot of political/immigration/racism themes that were over simplified. The main story is ok: although there were a few parts that had me wondering how they made sense.
After being a fan of the movie forever, I finally got to the book! It's a bit different from the film: just as good 😀. A fun, easy read that ended with a smile.
An interesting read: not quite what I expected 😜. I got a bit bogged down in all the strange names: there were a lot to keep straight, but I did quite like the main character & his closest advisors. The story is about a banished son who unexpectedly has to rule his empire.
Started off a bit slow, but midway I was in: Magic, Angels, hidden worlds, & forbidden romance. This one has some heavy themes; I was glad of some hard choices that the main characters had to make: nothing is black & white. The past is a mystery & not entirely revealed even at the end.
The story of a 15 year old girl who becomes more & more obsessed with learning to surf & being in the ocean. The mysterious reasons why are both magical & frightning. Overall: a good enjoyable story, although the characters were underdeveloped I thought.
This one started off a bit slow, but by the end I was in tears over the main characters' sacrifice to help others & believe in a better future. The story takes place 40 years after the US & China basically nuked the world: if you like the Fallout games, you will enjoy this series.
Hmmm: I'm not sure about this one... It had a few moments, was sorta funny in a snarky/looking down on everyone not in my circle kinda way. The ending left me wondering why??? It seemed like an afterthought thrown in on the last page. Meh 😶
A fun summer read if you can get past some of the 20-something poor me, my life is over stuff. Some really like-able & unique characters; & an interesting take on Magic. This one is a not too serious adventure with a few surprises at the end.
A fun adventure with some pretty original fantasy concepts. A few bits of over the top wacky silliness, but even those made me laugh. A nice wrap up & ending that had me closing this book with a smile 🤓.
12 sisters find escape from their oppressive father by sneaking out late at night to dance at underground clubs in 1930s era New York. This one grabbed me in the first chapter & kept on to the last page, & it's based on a fairy tale! 👍🏻
This was an interesting read; a unique & sometimes challenging writing style. The story follows a young Vietnamese man who ends up as the live-in cook for Gertrude Stein & Ms. Toklas; both intriguing & somewhat outrageous characters in Paris around 1930.
A fun adventure: an old bookstore, Google, & international intrigue. A fun summer read: a little like Ready Player One, but better...
Lazy Sunday: visiting with the new chickies & starting a new book 👓
Set in Nazi Germany full of hardship, danger & tragedy; this story is also infused with the joys of friendship, family & learning to love books. A surprising choice in narrator (I won't spoil it) that manages to use a dash of humor at just the right moments.
Almost entirely composed of letters & notes, this book is filled with charming/quirky characters. A light summer read with a happy ending.
This is a beautiful book full of the concept art from the Spicy Horse game. A dark & creepy take on Wonderland; even if you haven't played the game the images & backstory behind the concepts are inspiring. The game is one of my all-time favs too: would recommend for anyone 👓
An interesting look into the life of a very creative & talented woman. The book follows her life through early childhood up until after she buys & renovates an abandoned theater in Death Valley.
History, science, international conspiracy, Atlantis, jet-setting adventure, romance & summer blockbuster action: this book has it all 😜 Each chapter ends on a cliff hanger: keeping me up way past my bedtime this week to find out what happens next!
A quirky tale of a man who saves a little robot & in the process saves himself. Cute & funny: a light-hearted easy read.
A story spanning multiple generations of mothers & daughters. Secrets, mysteries, love & betrayal centered around a cottage garden overlooking the ocean in Cornwall.
This is a fun, fast paced adventure: very SteamPunk with airships, pirates, time travel & more. The tie in with the band at the beginning is a bit cheesy, but if you are willing to overlook some details, the world Captain Robert builds is quite imaginative & unique.
Just arrived in the mail; can't wait to start later today 😀
Would recommend for anyone, particularly if you are in the arts. A very interesting read sprinkled throughout with Crabapple's unique drawings, scribbles, & finished pieces.