I couldn‘t wait to read this because I loved the Wedding Date so I was PUMPED when I realized there was character crossover between the two books. This was a DELIGHT. I shed a few tears and I laughed out loud. Great fun read!! #spotthefrenchie
I couldn‘t wait to read this because I loved the Wedding Date so I was PUMPED when I realized there was character crossover between the two books. This was a DELIGHT. I shed a few tears and I laughed out loud. Great fun read!! #spotthefrenchie
This was a treat! I love romance (romantic-comedy?) novels and it is refreshing to read one from a millennial perspective. It was relatable and so entertaining. I felt like I knew these characters in real life.
I actually liked this more than Dumplin‘. These two characters (Millie and Callie) could not be more different. I cherish any author that can make me feel strong feelings - good or bad - about a character. I LOVE Millie and I HATED Callie. I certainly don‘t love Callie, but I appreciated the gradual change to her character. Bonus points for the Steel Magnolias quote, “If you don‘t have something nice to say, come sit next to me.”