Started My Glory Was I Had Such Friends. Three pages in and I've already cried once. #bookfieldtrip
Started My Glory Was I Had Such Friends. Three pages in and I've already cried once. #bookfieldtrip
Loved this! It was such a fun read - I didn't want to put it down. Really like the structure of each section and the way the story unfolds. Going to be recommending this all summer.
Wow! Not a light read. I know this one is going to stick with me. I really liked the addition of articles, interviews, and letters throughout the story. Gave me the feeling of history vs the real story - the human story.
I really liked this story. It was definetely a slow burn but it kept me coming back for more.
Not sure about this one. In general I'd say it was okay, but I also can't stop thinking about it. I didn't really like any of the characters, but found their storylines interesting. I also thought all the stories came together and concluded a little too cleaning.
My brain hurts! I wasn't sure I liked this book until the very end. The ending makes it all worth while.
I love reading short story collections because you can put them down and pick them up as needed. However, I always end up feeling so-so about the collection when I'm done. Enjoying some stories (Yesterday's Whales and Night Hunting) and not others. The same is true here.
Laughed out loud several times. There were also really touching moments, especially between Harriet and her daughter, and several surprises I didn't anticipate. A great way to start the new reading year off!
Mothers, I believe, intoxicate us. We idolize them and take them for granted. We hate them and blame them and exalt them more thoroughly than anyone else in our lives. We sift through the evidence of their love, reassure ourselves of their affection and its biological genesis. We can steal and lie and leave and they will love us.
A solid read. I really enjoyed each character, their story, and the way their lives all come together. I loved the timing - everything takes place during the week of Thanksgiving.
November book group pick. Thanksgiving is the best.
Funny and sad. Crazy and familiar. There were a lot of parts I loved but also a fair amount that I didn't.
How many times have I said that? This week or in general? #currentlyreading