Took me a little longer to finish, but this book was so good! Magic, politics, intrigue, forbidden love. Definitely a 5⭐️ read.
Took me a little longer to finish, but this book was so good! Magic, politics, intrigue, forbidden love. Definitely a 5⭐️ read.
Still working on Blood Song while battling a reading slump. So I decided to organize my bookshelves and add two more of them. Took most of the day to build them and then stick them. But I am loving the way my room is turning out!
Summer TBR because I have a hard time doing a monthly TBR. I‘m a mood reader for sure.
Found this little gem at my local 2nd and Charles for less than $2! I had a nice little haul today. Super excited to read this one, in fact I may just start it tonight.
“Now, it‘s certainly not true for every woman, but the ones I have had the good fortune to know in my life all followed this rule.
If you need a favor, you bring her flowers.
If you need her forgiveness, you bring her jewelry.
And if you need both, you bring her a book.”
This is my favorite quote so far and a book is perfect for every occasion.
I got beautiful book mail today! I love this UK paperback edition much more than the hard back edition I can get here in the US.
This was entertaining, but didn‘t make me feel like I needed to finish the trilogy.
Currently reading this tome. So far I‘m really liking it. Now to just make more time to read.