I've often wondered why the notion of an anarchy bucket list hasn't been swept up by humans. Fight Club seems to fit into this mentality. Personally I loved this book for flipping society's 'nice' rules and regulations over to the dark side.
I've often wondered why the notion of an anarchy bucket list hasn't been swept up by humans. Fight Club seems to fit into this mentality. Personally I loved this book for flipping society's 'nice' rules and regulations over to the dark side.
I love Harlan Coben; one of my favorite authors but boy this novel is going to date. The number of soon to be redundant phrases such as 'drop the mic' may not stand the test of time. I was also a bit disappointed with Win's personality. Maybe it's me but he comes off as more of a dick than a cool, slightly obnoxious guy this time round. Still recommend if you're a fan of the series.
This is my second book for the #readathon. I'm halfway through and it's apparent this book was written in the late 1800s. There are a number of racist comments about Aborigines which was common for the time. I'm enjoying it but wow there is no way you could write a book like this today.