Elin never fails to disappoint. The perfect beach read.
"That I'm scared I'm being too weak and that I should have had him arrested."
This book hit SO close to home. Wow!
"Some people were like that. They thought they couldn't be touched; they thought the rules didn't apply to them."
Has anyone read this? Sounds good...
"When you really love someone, you don't let more than a day go by before you say you're sorry, and if you're really smart, you bring food with you when you do."
Fantastic! Bravo, Colleen Hoover. Stayed up to finish this book and now I'm going to be exhausted and worthless at work tomorrow. Haha #readingislife #booklover
Can't stop, won't stop! Looking forward to reading these soon! #booklover
"I wasn't apologizing for that. I'm apologizing because I should have never said I was in love with you out loud like that, when the words weren't spoken directly to you. You deserve more than a secondhand I love you. "